Chapter 2

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If anyone were to ask Kazuya if he hated living on the streets, he honestly wouldn't be able to give a direct answer. On the one hand, it was nice to have the freedom to do whatever the hell he wanted, within reason. He had no plans to get on the wrong side of anyone. On the other hand, it wasn't actually a walk in the park, scrounging for his next meal or a safe place to sleep.

The alley had been an okay spot for the time being. But now that it had been discovered and scouted, he knew he could no longer stay there. It had been nearly two days since the whole incident with that Akanishi person took place and Kazuya had avoided the alley like the plague.

"You're spacing out again."

Kazuya looked over at his best friend Yamashita aka Yamapi and shrugged, "Can't afford a real vacation, might as well enjoy a free one within my own mind."

Yamapi quirked an eyebrow, "You sure that's not a dangerous move? I'm scared of what there is to find in that brain of yours."

Kazuya stuck his tongue out at the other man before releasing a series of sneezes. Immediately the older man was at his side. Kazuya shook his head, "It's nothing,"

"Bullshit," Yamapi snapped, "You still won't tell me why you aren't staying in your alley, which I wasn't a fan of, to begin with, but at least was secure and close by."

"It's nothing you need to concern yourself over. I'm a big boy, I can take ca-" Kazuya retorted only to be interrupted by another sneeze.

"One night at my place isn't going to disrupt the way the world works. If you are getting sick, long rest in a warm bed and a home-cooked meal will be better than sleeping the damp ground with nothing but that tattered blanket of yours."

Kazuya's eyes shot a glare at the other man, "You know that blanket means a lot to me,"

"Kame-Chan, you know I didn't mean anything by it," Yamapi said reaching over to place an arm around the younger's shoulders, "But seriously, you've been worrying me for days now. Put my mind at ease and stay the night. Just one night is all I'm asking."

"What about your roommate?"

"He's away on business. He only stops in to change clothes and sleep when he isn't busy. But he's been on a big case or something. I'm not sure what he does. I know it's legal though so as long as he covers half his rent I'm not complaining," Yamapi explained, "And besides I have had friends over before. As long as we stay out of his stuff he doesn't give a shit."

Kazuya bit his lip trying to figure out any way to get out of this situation. He had vowed he wouldn't except charity in any shape or form and this felt like charity.

Almost as if Yamapi could read his thoughts he sighed, "You cook tonight and do the dishes. That will be your way of paying me back for letting you stay. It's either that, or you accept my favor without pay. Take it or leave it."

With a groan, Kazuya nodded, "Fine. What do you want for dinner?"

Yamapi grinned, "Surprise me."


"You sure this is a good idea?"

Jin set down the last bullet and glanced over at the man leaning against the doorframe, "If I didn't think it was, you gonna try to stop me?"

"Things are going too far with this case. The boss wants to pull you off it. It's getting too personal now,"

"Maru, you know that's bullshit. I-"

"The boss knows about Rheia,"

JIn's eyes widened and he turned fast to look at the other man, "What do you mean, he knows about her?"

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