Chapter 1

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A/N: Okay this story is written strictly as a promise to a friend who has been so patient with me I can't thank them enough. I will be continuing it whether or not I get any reads or comments for it. But if anyone does read it and likes it feel free to comment and kudos if you feel I deserve them.  This story will have at one point all the former members of KAT-TUN. I respect the decisions of the former members to leave the group and persue their own choices in life. But this story is fiction and in an alternate universe. And although I claim no ownership over said members I am merely borrowing their 'names' per se and personalities for this story and nothing more. Without further ado, please enjoy!

Kazuya pulled the small tattered blanket tighter around his shoulders hoping to fight off the chill lingering in the night. Another night in the alley. It wasn't like he wasn't used to having to deal with Mother Nature's bitchiness. But tonight he had been scouting out a possible place to stay. Turned out to be a bust and here he was spending another night on the streets.

A trash can being knocked over followed by the sound of a screeching cat snapped him to attention. No one ever came down this alley. It was tucked off in the corner of two stores. One of the stores his best friend Yamashita worked in and the other one his other best friend Koki worked in. They both knew of his predicament and more than not often offered to let him stay with them. Each time he would politely refuse not wanting to become too dependent. After tonight though he was starting to think he might have to take on their offers if they were made again.

"You've gotta fucking kidding me!"

Kazuya's head turned towards the entrance of the alley and he immediately coiled into himself to stay out of sight. If someone had found his alley he was going to have to move on and he didn't want to especially after the day he had experienced.

"Shit dude move it! He's catching up!"

The sound of running footsteps caught his attention and he looked over to see two guys running towards him.

"You got, right?"

"Yeah, I got it! The boss didn't tell us he was going to put up a stink about it!"

"Yeah, well save your damn breath and keep running. It wasn't easy to pick his damn pocket!"

Pickpockets? Kazuya quickly looked around and noticed a spare trash can lid. An idea popped into his head and he reached for the lid. He had always been good at frisbee as a kid. Time to see if his skills were still as sharp as they used to be.



"What the hell? Iwasaki?!"

The second guy skidded to a stop and pulled a gun from a hidden holster, "Who's out there?" He stepped closer to Iwasaki noticing he was out cold, "Come out you coward!"

Kazuya held back a need to gulp. He hadn't thought of the aftermath of his actions. Damn it, this wasn't good. This was why he had stayed out of other people's business.



Kazuya peeked out from his hiding place in time to see the second guy kneeling down and rummaging through Iwasaki's pockets. Immediately he knew the guy was searching for whatever they had lifted from the victim. A rush of adrenaline flowed through his veins and he leaped out of his hiding place knocking the guy off his feet kicking the gun away.

The weapon skidded across the pavement coming to a stop. Kazuya watched as a hand reached down and grasped the gun. His eyes followed the movement until he was looking into the eyes of a man he wouldn't want to be caught alone within an alley any other time. His eyes widened when he was suddenly staring down the barrel of the gun, "Where is it?"

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