"Do you mind?" Sloan pretends to be in deep thought for a moment before shaking her head with a smirk.

"Nope. Not at all." She says, making Jared roll his eyes. Sloan turns her head and looks at Jensen. "So, I think Sebastian and maybe a few other people might be coming. Can they use the backdoor?" Jensen nods and Sloan lets Sebastian know that if they come to use the backdoor.

Soon enough, it's time for the fun to begin so Sloan removes the arm and chip, placing them on the table before exiting the green room, sneaking to the back wall of the auditorium to watch. A few fans see her and ask for pictures or autographs but other than those few, she goes mostly unnoticed. 

About an hour into the event, Sloan feels like she's being watched, the hair on the back of her neck standing up. She looks around the room to see everyone looking at the stage before looking at all the exits she can see then looking up at the catwalk above the room. Seeing on one but still feeling someone watching her, Sloan turns and makes her way to the green room, knowing there won't be anyone there who doesn't have authorization to be. 

She walks in and sees everyone hanging out, along with Sebastian, Chris, Anthony, and Scarlett. She smiles and walks over to the group, trying to keep her uneasiness out of her eyes and voice when she speaks. 

"Have y'all met everyone yet?" She asks. 

"Very briefly." Scarlett says. Sloan nods. "We met Rob and Rich, your dad and Jared introduced themselves to Anthony and I and that's about it." She then nods her head towards the teenage boy sitting in the corner watching them. "That boy has been staring at us since we walked in." Sloan follows her line of sight to Grayson and laughs, turning back to her. 

"Yeah. That's Grayson." She says. "He's met Chris and Sebastian. He had a huge crush on you after the second Iron Man movie came out." Scarlett laughs and nods slowly in understanding. "C'mon. I'll introduce you." 

Scarlett and Sloan approach the boy, leaving the males to socialize with her father and friend. The women come to a stop in front of Grayson and he looks up at them with wide eyes. "Grayson, this is Scarlett." Sloan says as the boy rises to his feet. 

"Nice to meet you." He says quickly. 

"It's nice to finally put a face to the name." Scarlett tells him. "Sloan talks about you a lot." Grayson's eyes widen and Sloan smirks before walking away, leaving the two alone as she walks back to the couch, sitting on the arm of it. 

"Jared I think your brother's about to have an aneurysm." She says, nodding to the boy in the corner. Jared laughs and shakes his head in amusement. 

"I'll go save him." He says, standing up and walking over to his younger brother. He returns moments later and he and Jensen disappear to participate in karaoke. 

"So did Sloan tell you that she had a massive crush on you after the first Captain America movie came out?" Grayson asks Sebastian with a smirk. Sloan's eyes widen and her face heats up. 

"Really?" The actor asks with a grin, looking at the girl.

"Oh yeah, you were all she talked about for like a year." 

"Oh my God, Grayson stop." Sloan begs. 

"Oh no, please. Continue." Anthony says, crossing his arms over his chest. 

"Grayson if you don't shut up, I will tell them something about you." She threatens. Grayson shrugs. 

"I have nothing to hide." He says. 

"Scarlett, did Grayson here tell you that he said he was going to marry you one day?" Sloan asks the red-head with a smirk. 

"Let's call a truce." Grayson says quickly. Sloan nods.

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