Chapter 26 (part 1)

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A/N: this chapter is gonna deal with the one character we haven't really mentioned except in conversation: Miruko. We're gonna label this by day. Day one would the the day the hotel came down, day two being the day after where Kyoko and Toga realized they were step siblings. Day 3 will be a forward of about 1 and 1/2 weeks. During that week, no one really does anything. This will probably be 2/3 parts. Let's get to it!!!

Day 1:
Hawks is in danger. He's in danger. He needs to get out of there. Can he do it safely without raising suspicion? Doubtful. I might be able to slip him out of there, but Endeavor won't let me go. "If he doesn't respond within an hour, I'm going in. Deal?" I'll give it an hour. It'll be okay. Miruko paced around her office as the minutes ticked by, waiting for the second an hour had passed to bolt. She picked at her nails as the stress and uncertainty built up, threatening to push her into leaving earlier than the agreed time. When 9 finally came, she slipped out of the office and down the hall, soon bumping into Aizawa. The stress bubbles over as she snapped, wailing as Aizawa refused to let her pass. She saw the clock hanging on the wall. 9:05. I need to go!!! Move! Move! MOV- She felt a sudden jab on the back of her neck and felt consciousness fading as her legs gave out and she slumped to the floor. She felt herself being moved back, away from the door, away from Hawks, away from where she needed to be. No, no, no, no, no... Miruko felt her thoughts getting pulled away as everything faded to black.

When she woke up, someone ran past her, concern scribbled on their face. That brought her back to reality fast. What's going on? She stood and started jogging to the door, dread creeping up close behind as she moved. As she jogged outside, she turned and saw the blue flames that jumped up and down, trying to cling to the clouds and burn them away along with the hotel it had engulfed. Hawks! Miruko bolted straight to it, terror forcing her to go faster and faster. Everything was a blur as she raced past, and she didn't hear Midnight shout out to her. She ran and ran down the seemingly endless road that stretched on to the hotel. She raced to the main entrance just as everything suddenly collapsed. Flames faded in some places, but there was still no real way to get around. Miruko felt a feeling of dread and panic crash down on her like a ton of bricks as she continued into the building anyway, looking for something, anything, anything at all. As nothing except the screaming of others caught under rubble and flames echoed around her, Miruko searched, ignoring hands that clawed desperately at her legs for help, trying to escape the flames that would soon trap them permanently under piles of rubble. She caught a glimpse of something red and turned to look at it. Red feathers and a puddle of blood met her as here eyes widened. Everything went dead silent as a spotlight seemingly flashed above the feathers, forcing Miruko to stare at them. She collapsed as the dread and panic seemed to double in weight, immobilizing her as she stared on. "Ah...ah...a-ah....AH...AHHHHHHHH!" Miruko screamed as she slowly crawled towards the pile, grabbing at the feathers, tears streaming down her face. The feathers seemed so delicate in her hands, and some crumbled away to dust from the flames. She scrambled to grab the ashes as words began to slowly form. "D-don't l-leave m-me... Hawks... don't g-go... DONT LEAVE ME!!! DONT LEAVE ME HERE!!! AHHHHH!!!" She screamed again, shocking herself with how inhuman it sounded. She couldn't recognize her own voice as she screamed and wailed for her dead best friend to come back. She felt a hand grasp her shoulder, and turned to see Aizawa's face. Rage exploded in Miruko's veins as she screamed, "ITS ALL YOUR FAULT!! YOU KILLED HIM!!! WHY DID YOU TAKE HIM FROM ME???!!! GIVE HIM BACK!!! GIVE HAWKS BACK TO ME!!!" Aizawa receded back with a hurt and apologetic look, slumping to the ground several paces away as Present Mic grabbed him and held him, whispering something inaudible as he rocked Aizawa back and forth. Miruko stared down at the feathers, tears pouring from her face as something shiny suddenly caught her eye. She lashed out and grabbed it, pulling it close so she could see it through the tears. It was the old photo of Hawks and his friend that she'd never seen him without. The grief that exploded with a vengeance caused Miruko to almost pass out. Her senses were rendered useless as everything around her seemed to blend together. She didn't notice hands grab her and drag her away from the rubble, out of the hotel remains and into an ambulance. She didn't notice that she didn't stop screaming, unintelligible sounds forcing their way out of her mouth. She didn't notice the burning pain that shot up her legs, or the leather bands that strapped her to the gurney as her body jerked and trembled from grief. Miruko didn't notice anything, and gave into the blackness that had lingered in the back of her vision, finally forcing its way into her being and ripping her away from reality and into an empty, abysmally dark void. It didn't let her go until the following day, when sunlight seemed to burn everything away, leaving a blinding white behind and the distant falling of soft, red feathers.

A/N: sorry for such a late update. I hope everyone's safe and healthy! School for me will be starting up soon and I still don't know much of what's going on. Love that. Anyways, the next update should be out sooner rather than later, but I hope you all enjoy.

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