Q&A Respond Time

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Alright. Let's start with the question I didn't answer from the first Q&A:

1. This is to @elixiottx. I'm SOO SORRY for responding so late but yes. You absolutely can! If you're still reading, I hope you still decide to write the story despite the late response, and I would love to read it if that's okay.

Now moving onto the rest of the questions:

1. What do you actually think of Dabi?
He's okay. In the show, I thought he was a bit of an unemotional ass, and I liked Toga's character a lot more. I felt like his facial expressions didn't change much no matter the situation, which is fine, but I feel like it makes the character kinda boring. I think that there was potential to add in more emotion as the story continued, but I didn't really see that so I feel like his character had a bit of wasted potential. I think my favorite part about him would be seeing how his quirk effected his life. Since I haven't read much of the manga yet, I don't know if this stays the same or not.

2- Toga's quirk explanation time:

Okay. So Toga's quirk is called Transform. This allows her to, by ingesting someone's blood, take on their appearance. She can even take on the person's quirk along with their appearance. This means she has bloodlust levels that are so far through the roof it's actually pretty surprising. And I've seen a lot of anime with characters like this, but even their bloodlust isn't that high...

3-why does Dabi let Hawks sleep in the floor, and what does he think of Hawks' sadistic side:

Well, first off, Hawks wanted to sleep on the floor. He might be in love with Dabi, but there hasn't really been enough development between the two to share a bed. Hawks also seemed comfy on his pile of blankets and pillows. Second, Dabi doesn't really know what to think of Hawks' sadistic side. He'd never seen it before when they were little, and honestly, he couldn't really care too much. His main concern isn't about Hawks' twisted nature, as much as it is the worry of when Hawks loses control. Will he turn into another Toga? Or something much more terrifying than he could've imagined?

4-What is your favorite anime at the moment?

My favorite anime right now is Banana Fish. I would definitely recommend it. It's 1 season, 24 episodes long. If you don't cry at the end I don't know what else to tell you other than I think you're weird. Ash x Eiji for life.

5- How does the Hanahaki Disease work?

So, the Hanahaki Disease is an illness where flowers fill up the lungs. The life expectancy of someone who has it ranges from just 2 weeks to about 3 months. There are two ways to rid oneself of this illness. 1: the flower you cough up means something. Ex. Hydrangea flowers signify heartfelt emotions. By figuring out what the flower being coughed up means and solving the conflict with it (Hawks admitting his love for Dabi and Dabi returning the feeling) you're cured. 2- surgery is performed and the flowers are removed, but any feelings you have for the person who caused the disease are removed with them. You might even forget who the person was.

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