Chapter 20

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"How is he?" Midnight tapped Mic's shoulder. "Not well." Mic sighed as he looked to the closed door that led to Aizawa's office. "He hasn't come out of there since yesterday after we got back, and he's only stopped crying about an hour ago. At least, crying loud enough for me to hear." Mic dropped his head into his hands. "He didn't even come home last night. I came back here early in the morning to open the place up and send the night shift off, and they told me he hadn't left the office. He won't let me in to see him and I don't know what to do." Mic turned, feeling a hand on his shoulder. "You didn't sleep much. Your eyes are heavy. Get some rest. I'll take care of him." Midnight sighed sadly as Mic shook his head. "If he opens the door, I wanna be the first person to comfort him." Mic felt heavy as a familiar smell surrounded him. "I'm sorry dear. But that wasn't a suggestion." Midnight sighed. She stared at Mic's unconscious body for a moment before picking him up and bringing him to the door. "Aizawa. Get your depressed ass over here and open the door before I kick it down. I might have heels on but I can still kick your a-" Midnight stopped as the door opened. "Your little honey's worried himself to exhaustion." Aizawa's eyes were red and dull, devoid of life. "Focus on Mic for now." Midnight smiled gently. She grunted as Aizawa lifted Mic effortlessly from Midnight's arms and placed him in a chair. He returned to the door after a moment of hesitation. "I... it-it was-" Midnight stomped a foot down, causing the exhausted man in front of her to jump. "It wasn't your fault. Everyone knows that. Even Miruko." Midnight growled. Anger was burning in her eyes. "Hawks new the risks of staying there. He was good man and he'll be missed. There's nothing we can do now but grieve and eventually move on. But, YOU can't keep doing THIS." Midnight stared past Aizawa into his cluttered office. "I'm letting you stay here for only one more night. By tomorrow, you're gonna be sleeping at home even if it means I have to drag you there and cuff you to the damn bed. Capiche?" Midnight knew her words stung, but Aizawa knew she was concerned. She didn't wait for an answer as she turned and closed the door behind her, leaving the two in the office and walking down the hall. "We'll have to find someone to replace him. Maybe that Tokoyami kid. He was said to of had some potential with the right training. I'll look into him later." She shook her head as she headed to the entrance of the building, taking a deep breath before stepping out and being flooded with reporters. But first, she thought, let's take care of this.

"How do you feel about Hawks' death?"
"How will it affect heroes for the coming days?"
"Why didn't you get him out of there?"
The questions came one after the other, some seemly blending together. Irritation burned in Midnight's throat as she looked out at people who's only concern was getting a story.
"What was he doing at that hotel?"
"Do you-" Midnight slammed her heel into the ground again, harder this time than with Aizawa. "SHUT THE HELL UP!!" She shouted. The reporters were dead silent. "Your stupid stories can wait!!!" Irritation bloomed into hatred as she looked out at confused faces. "ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!" She stared at them. "A man is dead!! And the ONLY THING you can focus on is a good story!!!" A snobbish man made his way to the front and shouted back. "You're the heroes!! It's your job to protect us!! Hawks isn't the only who died!" Nods of agreement bounced around him. "That makes it worse!" Midnight's voice was filled with disbelief. "People have died!! Families are mourning! All you're doing is-" "Our job." The man finished. "We're doing our job. You should've done yours." That was clearly too far. Midnight jumped down from the stand and got in his face. "I'm just as much of a human being as you and everyone. The only difference between us is that I had more balls than you and did something with my ability. You're being a little bitch spouting nonsense about something you don't know jack SHIT about." She slapped the man. Hard. He fell to the ground and reporters around her simply stared. "You want a story?" Midnight rubbed her hand, looking from one person to another. "There you go: Midnight loses her cool after being overloaded with questions and slaps a reporter. Now go away." Midnight glared down at the man who was now trembling in the ground. "And take this poorly packaged horse shit with you." She snarled, satisfaction dancing across her face as he flinched, his confidence now gone. As reporters dispersed, Midnight turned to walk back inside. She was stopped by a small voice. "'am?" Midnight turned back to see a small child starting back at her. "I'm sorry about that man's behavior." The child bowed her head. "His sister was a good friend of Hawks'. He cares a lot about her and-" Midnight patted the child's head. "I understand. Tell him I apologize for my actions. They were uncalled for." Midnight smiled as the girl smiled, nodded, and hopped off. Now to get back to finding a replacement. Midnight turned to go back inside again. Right before she entered the building, a small, red object  flashed by her. She spun around. A red feather was at her feet. She looked at it. She rubbed her eyes to make sure she wasn't seeing things, and it was gone. "I must be loosing it today." She shook her head as she entered the building. "Now," she clapped her hands together. "Let's start with Tokoyami." She went into her office, the red feather flying around in the back of her mind.

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