Chapter 24

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A/N: just found a new manga to read!! It's called Toilet-Bound Hanako-kun, and it's pretty cool!! 10/10 would recommend...

All nighters suck ass. Toga had spent the night watching Kyoko sleep and thinking about the body. She knew Shigaraki wouldn't clean it, and she knew there wasn't a damn thing she could do about it without risking having the same thing happening to her. Under other circumstances, she wouldn't have cared much, but Kyoko was here now, and that changed a lot. "Why does everything have to be so damn complicated?" Toga sighed. "Why can't I just sleep and sleep and..." she trailed off as Kyoko began to jerk. Toga stood and slid over to her, placing a cold hand onto her cheek. Kyoko woke up instantly and stared up at Toga. Pure terror filled her eyes, but it faded as recognition settled in. "Sorry to wake you. Looked like you were about to have a nightmare." Twice shifted and woke up as well, lifting his arm to let Kyoko slip out. "Mornin' kiddo, Bunto." He stretched and sat up. Toga smiled. "I'm gonna be making food. Want anything?" Twice was shocked for a moment. "You can cook?" Kyoko giggled quietly, but no smile followed it. "I can." Toga's smile grew. "And I do. Who do you think makes dinner? Kurogiri can make much else besides an otherworldly cocktail." Toga looked at Kyoko for a moment, before starting towards the hallway. "Twice," she was suddenly dead serious. "Keep Kyoko over there for a minute." Twice lightly grabbed Kyoko and nodded. Toga didn't look back as she headed into the bathroom. She was met with an empty, cleaned, tub. Who... not Shigaraki...."I cleaned it for you this time." Toga jumped as Kurogiri appeared behind her, leaning over her shoulder. He straightened up as she looked at him. "Why?" Was all Toga could say. "I pay attention to people's actions." His head tilted slightly. "You've never reacted this badly to Shigaraki's antics. I assume it's due to that Kyoko child's presence. You seemed to go into..." he paused, thinking of the word. "Motherly mode... with her. It has caught my interest so I will make sure she doesn't have to see things like that anymore. The body was moved to the basement." Kurogiri stepped out of the bathroom and slid down the hall, stopping after a moment. "And I'll have you know I also make killer pastries." He chuckled as he passed into the living room, nodding in greeting to Twice and Kyoko before heading behind the counter. Toga stared after him for a moment before looking back at the bathtub. "It's so clean..." she stared at it before shaking her head and heading back to where Kyoko and Twice were. "Kurogiri cleaned it, so Kyoko can head in there. The body's in the basement. "Twice nodded and let go of Kyoko, who slid towards Toga and wrapped her arms around her. "Thanks sis." Kyoko whispered, beaming as she let go and stepped back. It was the first time Toga had seen her smile. She patted Kyoko's head. "No problem kiddo." The smile faded a little as Kyoko went to speak. "I need medication. Do you know where I can get some?" Toga nodded, remembering the conversation they had had earlier in the morning. (Time check right now.... uh... 10am probably) "We have strong antidepressants here, but you might need something for PTSD as well.... Do you know what kind of medicine you were taking?" Kyoko nodded. "It was a strong antidepressant. I can't remember the name of it but I can list side effects if that helps." Toga nodded. "That could narrow down what we're looking for." Kyoko continued. "Headaches, severe nausea and dizziness, weakened immune system, and increased chances of... kidney failure." Uncertainty filled Kyoko's voice as she said the last one. "Some kind of organ failure." Toga looked at Kyoko with slight surprise. "You're pretty calm for someone who takes meds that could literally kill you if you're at the wrong place at the wrong time. The worst thing I took were suppressant pills that, at most, made me sleepy." Kyoko grinned. "I got that a lot from the doctors. It isn't and over the counter drug though," Kyoko looked for the right words. "I don't think the doctors would give me a referral without me having to give more information than preferred, and since I'm wanted for murder I can't really be seen by too many. I should be okay with the antidepressants you guys have, for now at least." Kyoko smiled. She was met with surprise. "You're a smart kid." Twice seemed a little more surprised than Toga. Kyoko nodded shamelessly, pride causing her wings to spread a little. She quickly folded them back in. "You can stretch them out occasionally. It's good for them not being cooped up. Stresses 'em out." Twice jumped as Hawks entered the living room, his wings stretched and fluttering as he walked. "What's for breakfast." He yawned, rubbing bleary eyes. Toga smiled. "I was thinking of making pancakes, but I think we should treat ourselves to some of Kurogiri's pastries that are..." she turned to smile at the purple mist, being met with the usual, and unreadable, stare. He nodded and turned, heading behind the bar to the kitchen.

Hawks x DabiOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora