Chapter 9

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A/N: This chapter's from Toga's perspective this time. So let's get started...

It's warm. What- Toga froze as she looked down and saw two scarred arms wrapped around her mid section. He's warm. It's nice. "Mmm..." Dabi grumbled behind her. "Morning sleepy head!" Toga chirped as she rolled over. His eyes opened and he blinked. His arms didn't budge. "So are you gonna move or am I gonna have to wiggle my way out? Cause I can do that but-" Dabi blushed at the realization and moved his arms, rolling over and going back to sleep. "Hey!" Toga jumped up and shook him back and forth. "We have a job to do!!! GET UUUUUPPPPP!!!" She squealed as Dabi rose, causing her to tumble backward. His eyes were half open and his limbs felt heavy. "I didn't get much sleep so fuck off." He mumbled something about teens being too energetic and sunk into the bed. He closed his eyes, then opened them again. "When did you change?" He looked at Toga, realizing she was no longer in the school uniform she had arrived in. Instead, she was wearing a baggy shirt and shorts. They look like... THIS BITCH!! "Why are you wearing my clothes Toga?" Dabi closes his eyes. "Well, when I woke up later on after I guess dozing off, you were gone. I felt sticky in my clothes so changed. Your clothes looked comfy and now here we are. Why?" Toga smiled, showing off her sharp teeth. "There's clothes in the closet. Why didn't you use them?" Toga looked at Dabi like he was stupid. "They don't fit me!!! Plus, if you hadn't gone to talk with that birdie I would-" Toga squeaked in surprise as Dabi rose as grabbed her shoulders. "You followed me?" Shit. What did she hear? Dabi started panicking. Toga sighed and shook her head. "When I woke up, you weren't in the room. I was wondering where you went so left to find you. I saw you at the end of the hall and waited outside the door. Why didn't you tell me you knew him?" Toga felt hurt. He usually didn't keep secrets from me unless they were serious things... what's between those two?Dabi lowered his arms, seeming to read her mind. "I knew him as kids. We were friends. I left and didn't say anything to him. We haven't seen or talked to each other in 10 years." Toga tilted her head. She bit her lip, then opened her mouth to speak. "You promised you wouldn't leave him again. You do know that if you don't deal with him now, you'll have to fight him later. That'll be worse won't it?" Toga looked blankly at Dabi and watched him seem to shrink in his clothes. "I don't know what to do..." he whispered after a short moment. Toga's eyes widened. I wanna help him sooo bad... She started to grin. "I'm gonna help you!" She hopped off the bed. Dabi looked surprised. "What? How?" Dabi got up, his exhaustion fading as thoughts ran through his head. "I don't know yet. But I don't like you like this so imma fix it. Trust me. Also, I might get some blood out of it and just the thought of that'll keep me going!!" She turned to face him. Her eyes were gleaming and all of her teeth were showing. I have a bad feeling about this... Dabi thought. But she can easily tell everyone and that would put me in a pinch... I guess I have no choice... He opened his mouth to agree and was stopped by a surprising thing from Toga. "I won't tell anyone if you don't want my help. Hehehehe." Her giggle was disconcerting, but Dabi felt some relief. "Alright. You can help. But we still need to complete the-" Toga had practically flew over and hugged Dabi. Hard. Her excitement radiated off of her. "YEAH!!! IMMA GONNA GET YOU WITH YOUR FRIEND!! IMMA GONNA GET YOU WITH YOUR FRIEND!!" She was muffled by Dabi's hand. "Your gonna get is in trouble!! The whole point is not for people to figure out who we are!" Toga mumbled something, and Dabi moved his hand. She laughed. "You want p-people not t-to recognize us b-but you're not even trying to cover your scars!!!" She laughed harder and stumbled out the door. Dabi inhaled, changed into a shirt and sweatpants, and left the room, rushing after Toga before she did anything he'd regret.

Hawks x DabiTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon