Chapter 4

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When he finally came to, Hawks was back in his apartment. He was cold. He looked down and realized that he was wearing nothing but his boxers and was glad no one was around. Or so he thought. His head snapped towards the kitchen as he heard a thumping noise. It sounded familiar. The thumping started getting closer to his bedroom, then the door opened to reveal a surprised Miruko wearing nothing but a bath robe. HIS bath robe. She smiled and hopped towards him, placing the tray of food on his bedside table. "I'm glad you're finally awake. You were out cold for almost 2 days." She paused, suddenly realizing that he was in nothing but boxers and she in nothing but a robe. She blushed. "While I was bringing you home, you started coughing again and got blood all over your clothes, so I had to get them off. You got some blood on me by accident so I helped myself to your shower. The robe was the only thing I could find. I'm glad you didn't see me walking around your apartment naked. That'd be awkward." She chuckled. Her eyes started tearing up and she gave Hawks a tight hug. "M-Miruko?" An unsuspecting Hawks stammered at the sudden hug. "YOU DUMBASS!!! I WAS SO WORRIED!!! WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME YOU HAD HANAHAKI DISEASE!?" She sobbed. Hawks just looked at her, shocked. He and Miruko has been friends long enough for Hawks to know that Miruko wasn't one for crying. Especially flat out losing it. He wriggled an arm free and patted her head, not knowing how else to calm her down. It seemed to work as her wails soon turned to sniffles. She quickly pulled back and sat on the floor, waiting for an explanation. It took a minute for that to sink in for Hawks so they sat in total silence for a bit. Hawks opened his mouth, closed it, then spoke. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you." Was all he could muster out. Miruko looked at him and nodded, signaling for him to continue. "It's been 2 weeks an-" Miruko's eyes widened. "TWO WEEKS!!!" She cried. "Most people don't last longer than 5 weeks and already almost half of that time for you is gone!!! Why didn't you tell me sooner!" At this point, Hawks was feeling miserable. "What could you do exactly!?" He questioned. She flinched, knowing he was right. "There's nothing you or anyone else can do. This is between me and whoever the hell is causing this!!!" Thats when it hit him. Hawks may have been known to be calm, but he was also dense. He was always thinking of Touya when he'd start coughing. But there's no way. I haven't seen him in almost 10 years! Hawks started blushing, and Miruko saw it. Her eyes lit up. "You know who it is right!! I can see it in your eyes!!! YOU KNOW WHO IT IS!!!! Who is it!?!" She started pestering, her worry for his life seeming like a secondary issue. "Touya." Hawks mumbled, his blush spreading to his ears and neck. "Who?" Miruko tilted her head, clearly not hearing him. "It's Touya. My childhood friend who went missing years ago." Miruko paused. Puzzlement spreading across her face. "How do you know it's this Touya person?" Hawks' blush bow spread to his shoulders as well. "He loved Hydrangea flowers..."

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