Chapter 14

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A/N: So I started writing this story for fun and actually ended up really enjoying it. I didn't think I'd get 1k reads. Thanks guys. It really means a lot... anyways, enough with the gooey and let's get back to the characters. They don't have time for this anyways. Let's continue...

"Mmm." Hawks groaned as his eyes blinked open. He was on a bed. He got up and looked at the time. 4:30pm. I feel asleep. I need to write the report. It's warm. Get up. Write the report then go back to bed. Hawks winced as he rose, realizing he'd been lying on his arm. He shook his head, and looked around. Oh. I'm already in my own room. He shuffled to the kitchen and opened his laptop. He started typing, mumbling as he went. "Sorry for the time stuff... hanging out with friend... heard planning on bringing down some building... don't know which one though... don't know when... get back to you with more later... cool chez." Hawks hit send and sat back in his chair. I should probably tell them I'm done. Then I'll look for some pain meds. Hawks looked at his arm, which still hurt. "That's what happens when you fall asleep on your arm." He told himself, rising to his feet and leaving his room. Now where would they go?

A/N: sorry for the late update! I got sick and haven't been doin too great. Anyways, let's see what Dabi and Toga are doin.

"Kurogiri... come get us." Toga smiled as the black mist appeared. Dabi hopped into it and Toga watched him disappear. "You comin?" Kurogiri paused before closing up. "Nah. Just make sure Dabi's back here by 10:30. This is starting at 11, and I'll need him here. Also, I need to explain a few things to our little birdie before leaving." Toga giggled. Kurogiri said nothing, just closed up and vanished. "Now, let's go tell that birdie what to expect. Hopefully he's up by now. He should be in his room." Toga started skipping off towards the elevator to get to the second floor. She paused outside the main kitchen. Hmmm... yeah. Let's do this. She licked her lips and slipped inside. After a few minutes, she left and continued on her way, straying from main areas so no one saw the blood on her hands. The elevator opened as she approached and Hawks stepped out. "There you are!" Toga bounded up to him. "Hey. I have a feeling you need to talk to me?" Hawks yawned, tears forming at the corners of his eyes. "Yeah. First, have you had time to do the report or did you just get up?" Toga pulled Hawks outside and into a nearby alleyway. "Yeah. The report's done and sent. They'll have suspicions on what's going on, but they won't suspect anything to happen today." Hawks yawned again, stumbling a bit but quickly regaining his composure. "Cool..." Toga paused before continuing, looking Hawks up and down. This guy looks pained. "Hawks?" Toga looked at him, studying his eyes, putting aside the whole 'giving him the information' thing. "When was the last time you hurt someone?" He seemed surprised by the question. "It's been a bit but it's nothing unusual. Why?" Toga nodded. "I see. Yeah, that's not good. Coming from someone who's quirk makes them thirst for blood, restricting yourself for too long is unhealthy." Hawks looked down. "I'm supposed to be the good guy. The comforting one that bring smiles to people's face when they see me. I have to make sure they don't find out." He faded away, and Toga felt unsettled. But Midnight is also a sadist, but no one cares about that. It's cause of her looks. They think she's a babe sweetheart. But if he says they can't find out than it's gotta be bad. Now I'm just interested. Toga tapped Hawks' shoulder and he looked up. "Wait here. I'll be right back, alright?" Hawks nodded and Toga strode off. He sat on the cold ground and looked up at the afternoon sky. It's starting to darken. It's pretty. Hmmm, I wanna break something. Yeah, breaking something will make things better. But nothings wrong. So what is there to make better? Just wanna break something. Break. Crunch. Crunch. What's taking Toga so long. It's been five minutes. Not even. Hawks' thoughts danced around. Everything around him seemed to slow down. He grew tired. Before he faded into sleep, he heard Toga's voice, and he stood up. "I have something for you!!" Toga beamed as she dragged a terrified waiter into the alley. She tossed him effortlessly towards Hawks, who sidestepped, causing the poor man to slam into the wall. "Ugh." He groaned. Hawks looked at Toga in confusion. "You need something to do, we have time, and I'm interested. So act like I'm not here and do your thing." Toga's smile didn't fade, instead growing larger as she moved into a dark corner, almost completely out of sight. "Please." Hawks looked down at the waiter, who was trying to drag his way out to the street, with little success as his foot had been broken. "Help me. Please." The man pleaded. So annoying. Stop begging and do something before I break you. Hawks looked irritated at the waiter, who continued to plead with some unknown individual. Irritation bubbled over, and Hawks felt something snap. He walked towards the man, placing a hand into the man's mouth, choking him, and dragged him farther back into the alley. He let go of the man for a quick second, only to shove his hand back into the man's mouth and step directly on his broken foot. The man instantly began to wail. Or tried to. It came out as a high pitched choke. "Shut the fuck up." Hawks moved, whispering into the man's ear. Toga watched from the corner in awe as Hawks slowly moved up and down the waiter's body, keeping his hand in the man's mouth, and studying him. She watched as Hawks leaned close to the man's ear, say something, then slowly push the man's arm up. She heard a pop and the man let out another choking sound. She flinched as she heard a crack as Hawks suddenly broke the man's arm. Another choking sound. Hawks went back to the man's ear, and spoke loud enough for Toga to finally hear him. It made her blood freeze. "It's okay. It's alright. Hush. I'm here. I'm not gonna leave you. Don't cry. I've got you." Mom. He sounds like a mom. Why is he trying to calm him down? Why? Doesn't he like hearing him in pain? Toga looked on, confusion replacing the discomfort and slight fear. She watched him repeat that process with the rest of the man's limbs. Breaking them, a choking sound,  more strangely comforting words, more breaking. Toga started to feel irritated. Why won't that man just shut up already? He's just giving Hawks what he wants. Toga paused. Wait... that's it. Toga snapped back into reality just in enough time to see Hawks staring down at her. She jumped and leaned back, feeling the cold wall meet her. Hawks eyes gleamed, but they were different now. They were unwelcoming and terrifying. He's gonna kill me. He's gonna kill me. He's gonna kill me. HE'S GONNA KILL ME. The thought got louder and louder, until it suddenly went silent. One small voice peeped out with one single word. Run.

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