Chapter 15

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Rider POV

Music blasting, beer in hand and working on their bikes. Devil Riders always get together at least once a month at the workshop Texas owns. We work on our bikes and kick it as brothers. We invite the club whores so the guys can have a little fun.

It was already midnight and I wasn't having as much fun. I was laughing at everyone and drinking. Everyone was here besides the only person I wanted, Talia. I started packing up to leave and Butch came up to me.

"You leaving?" He asked. "Yeah, I haven't heard from Talia and I want to check up on her. She probably mad because I left her alone."

"Alright, The boys was planning on leaving too, so we might as well all ride back together." He said as he walked off getting the guys. I started up my bike and sat on it. I felt arms wrap around my waist and after a few seconds, I jumped off and turned around to see who it was. Not to my surprise it was May. She looked really drunk and barely could stand up.

"What the fuck are you doing?" I asked her and she smirked at me. Being this close to her and seeing her face, it was fucked up. Talia did a number on her and man it made me proud.

"I miss you. I know you miss me." She leaned up and tried to kiss me but I pushed her away. I was not about to mess with her.

May and I have been fucking around for a year or so. Of course I knew I wasn't the only one she was fucking on but she was easy. I just had to call her and she was going to be running to me. In her mind, she began to believe I was her man and she was going to be my old lady. But I would never make her my Old Lady. She wasn't worthy of it. I would never make a club whore my girl.

She tried to push up on me again but I pushed her away. "Stop fucking touching me before I make my girl give you that matching black eye she promised you earlier."

I sat turned around and sat back on my bike. She pulled on my cut to make me face her. "How are you going to just dump me once a random bitch come along?! Just because she said that baby is yours, you going to believe her! That bitch is probably lying about that little bastard!" She screamed and now everyone was looking. I didn't care at this point. I was use to her outburst when I turned her down and I allowed it. But what I wasn't going to allow is for her to disrespect Talia or my child.

I got off my bike and dragged her to a chair. I pushed her back so she landed on the chair. I gripped her chin, not harshly because I would never harm a woman. But I sure wasn't going to let one disrespect mine. Her disrespect towards Talia and my child was disrespect to me and I wasn't going to let that slide.

I gripped her chin and made her look at me, "Now I'm going to say this once and once only, so listen carefully May. You are only a club whore! You are nothing to me or any man here! You aren't worthy of being nobody's Old Lady, but if someone here wants to make you theirs, that's on them! But you definitely aren't mine! That spot has been taken by the one who is carrying my fucking child! Now you have disrespected her enough and I'm going to give you one last chance or I'll kick you out in a heartbeat! You will never come near me again, I will never touch or kiss you ever again! But if you disrespect my girl or MY CHILD ever again, I will fucking ruin you! DO YOU UNDERSTAND?!" I yelled the last part and she was in tears and nodding furiously.

"Good." I let her face go and walked over to my bike and hopped on. All the guys were on theirs waiting for me. They all had grins on their faces.

"Let's Roll."

We started riding to the house and on arriving, we parked our bikes. My dad walks up to me and pats me on my back before he walks into the house. I was still sitting on my bike as everyone went inside. I needed a second to myself to realize I just claimed Talia in front of everyone and I didn't feel not one ounce of shame as doing so.

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