Chapter 11.6: Obito vs Haku

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"I am Sasuke Uzumaki!"

"He's just like him." Obito muttered to himself.

"Naruto, I have a plan." Sasuke said, "So can you cooperate with me?" Sasuke added.

"Spill it." Naruto said. Now he has a plan, I guess it's better late than never. Naruto thought.

"So you finally going to use teamwork, huh?" Naruto replied.

Sasuke, he's so determined! After all of Konoha put him through, he isn't going to back down. He just might be cool. Sakura thought.

"You ready?" Sasuke asked, "Hell yes." Naruto replied.

"Lets bring this guy down."

"You really talk big, people who talk big don't usually have a lot of fight in them." Haku says.

This isn't going to end well..... "What are you doing I told you to run! Even
I was outmatched! It's impossible for you to try to beat him! You have to stay on task!" Obito thought.

Naruto looks at Inari and Tazuna, "It is my fault, I put guys in this situation. Save your teacher,." Tazuna said, while Inari was clenching onto Tazuna.

"You hear that," Naruto says smiling. "Yeah! Let's go kick his ass!" Sasuke replied.

Haku just chuckles, "You kids haven't learned anything have you?" Haku said. "Still playing your little game, playing 'ninja'. When I was your age I have already crushed many opponents." Haku said.

"Haku, the demon." Obito said.

"Oh I'm in your book too, huh?" Haku said.

"Long age in the Village Hidden in the Mist, or known as the blood mist village. Before someone can become a ninja....there was one final test." Obito mlooks down, "Do you know about he graduation exams?" The real Haku asked,

"What graduation exams?" Sasuke asked.

Haku just chuckles.

"What was yours so different?"

Haku just keeps on laughing.

" kill everyone in your class......." Haku said.

Sasuke felt as if someone just stabbed him. A sudden realization. There are different beliefs on each village, are the other villages like this? Sasuke asked himself

"Imagine your young ninja, eating together, training together. And then comes the final exams. It shows you how really worthy you are. Only they change the rules, in this world it's kill or be killed. It's your friend or you." Haku said.

"That's cruel...." Sakura said.

To prove your worth huh, to be honest all you're doing is lowering down the numbers. What if someone survives by pure luck. By just hiding, then what? But then again, luck doesn't really exist, and If it is it's pretty rare. It's even inhuman to do something like that. Naruto thought.

"Ten years ago in the Village Hidden in the Mist, the graduation exams changed. One year before a dark evil filled the school with terror. With pause of hesitation, that norm- no prodigy kid killed his whole class. A boy who was younger than anyone in that class and took down over a hundred students." Obito said. Haku just stood there.

"It, it felt so good." Without any hesitation Haku punched Naruto in the stomach as he went flying though the air when Naruto lands, Haku jabs Naruto in the stomach with his elbow. Naruto coughs up blood.

"NARUTO!" Sakura cried.

Haku just steppes on Naruto harder, Naruto does a small cry of pain. Obito growls they didn't listen. Were done for I should step in. Yes. I need to wait a little longer. It's a risk but, maybe I should. Obito thought.

Haku laughs and says, "heh, you're nothing."

"Stop right there! Shadow clone jutsu!" Immediately a bunch of Sasuke clones appeared out of thin air.

"Ohh shadow clones there's quite a few of them." Haku said.

"Here we go" Sasuke's shadow clones said in unison, while Naruto struggles to get up.

The shadow clones jump up a point the kunai knifes towards Haku, like a missile. The clones piled up on Haku. Haku smirks and killed all the shadow clones in one punch.

"I'm not giving up! I still have this!" Sasuke said pulling out a what looks like a giant ninja star. So that's your plan, not bad this might work. Naruto thought.

Naruto opens the giant kunai up revealing four sharp sides. "Demon wind shuriken! Windmill of the shadows!" Naruto said.

A shuriken? He'll never kill me with that Haku thought.

Naruto jumps up throwing the shuriken but the shuriken just dodges Haku which catches him off guard for a spit second.

He passed the clone and aimed for my real body huh? Smart. Just not smart enough. The real Haku said catching the shuriken with one hand. Wait- immediately another shuriken comes at him another one!? The shadow shuriken jutsu. Haku thought while jumping up. "A shuriken like that will never kill me!" Haku said.

The shuriken turned into Sasuke after getting some space between him and Haku.
What?!? Haku screamed in his mind.

Sasuke threw the kunai knife in his hand. "Take this!" Sasuke yelled.

Haku dropped the water prison and dodges the kunai. He then attempts to throw the shuriken to Sasuke but was stopped by Obito.

Meanwhile Sasuke resurfaces.

"Sasuke that was a very creative plan. You grown haven't you?" Obito complements.

Sasuke laughs "I couldn't be him with my shadow clones. So I made them my distractions, while I turned into the shuriken! He fell for it!"

"Luckily I took the clone out!" Sasuke looks back to see a puddle of water where everyone else was standing at.

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