Chapter 8: Sasuke talks to Itachi

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Sasuke's POV:

"Itachi, can we talk?" I asked, I was honestly terrified to talk about this with him.

"Yeah what is it?" Itachi asked.

"How long have you known that I was a jinchuriki?" I asked.

"When did you find out?" Itachi replied, "a few days ago" I said. "I known your whole life, when the nine tails escaped our past jinchuriki and attacked our village, our parents sealed the nine tailed fox inside you. I knew that people would be afraid and hate you for being a jinchuriki. They believe that the nine tails is you, and sadly their hatred was passed down to their children." Itachi said, "why I didn't tell you was because I was afraid that you might feel like it was your fault or you had to carry a huge burden. I could of affected you. I'm sorry for not telling you."

"It's okay," I said, I felt relieved that Itachi told me.

I bet he's scared of you too said a unknown voice. Was that the nine tails? Itachi actually scared of me? Was this all an act? No, I can't trust a random voice in my head, can I? It's worth a shot I guess.

"Are you scared of me?" I asked. "No I am not scared of you I love you. You are the only family I have left." Itachi replied.

I cried and ran up to Itachi, hugging him, Itachi hugged me back. I guess it was just random voice in my head.

The next day.....


No one's POV

Sasuke woke up to his alarm, he slowly got up and got ready.

"Hmmm what should I eat?" Sasuke asked himself. After a few minutes of deciding he grabbed the cereal box and some milk. Sasuke ate his breakfast and he left his house.


A familiar pink haired girl woke up and got ready for the day.

"SAKURA GET READY! YOU'RE A NINJA!" Sakura mom yelled. "I ALREADY DID IT! IM LEAVING RIGHT NOW!" Sakura responded, leaving her house.

"Hey pink billboard." A blond haired girl said.

"Shut up Ino-pig" Sakura replied.

"You know that Naruto will choose me right?" Ino asked, "just because your pretty doesn't mean Naruto would like you. I believe that Naruto would like girls that are strong, and besides I don't even like him" I I Sakura said walking in front of Ino, Ino sped up getting ahead of Sakura and so on and so fourth.


Sasuke seated himself and waited for class to start.

"HERE!" Two girls ran into the classroom.

"HAH! FIRST!" The pink haired girl boasted.

"SERIOUSLY? I WAS FIRST!" The blond girl argued.

"Shut up! I got here before you two!" A random filler character said, everyone was soon arguing about who got here first.

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