Cleaning duty

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That night, Y/n couldnt sleep a wink. Dark bags were under her eyes, much more noticeable due to her pale white skin.

Goto was even surprised to see her already wearing their uniform. He kept glancing her way when they walked out. Y/n kept mumbling after all.

"Hey Y--Hira, you ok?" He asked, almost using the preferred name of the female.

Y/n yawned and rubbed her eyes as she walked beside him.

"Yep, I'm fine Goto" she replied, popping a small smile before turning away.

"If you say so..." He muttered, not really wanting force the answers out of her.

"By the way, what's your schedule this week?" He asked.

Every new week, the schedules of Kakushi would change. This week, Y/n and Goto was in cleaning duty, meaning they'd clean inside the headquarters and be assigned to an estate.

Y/n hummed and grabbed the piece of letter in her pocket. Unfolding it carefully, she smiled.

She shows it to him, "Cleaning duty"

Goto felt nervous for her well being, "That cleaning duty? I take pity on you Hira" he remarks.

The albino pouted and crossed her arms, " Hey! Don't make it sound like that! You and me always have the same schedules, baka!" She exclaimed, pointing a finger at him.

"Oh yeah. Forgot about that" he says before walking ahead.

As the white haired girl walked behind him, she was lost in her thoughts. " duty outside right?...there's a possibility that—

"Hey Hira! Hurry!" Goto suddenly yelled.

She looked up to him and runs to catch up, "W-why?! What happened!?" She asked.

Goto didn't glance at her and only continued running, "The cleaning duty was said to go with Shinobu-sama! They said a lower demon moon is killing the lower ranked on Mt, Natagumo!" He informed her.

Y/n's eyes brightened. "This is it! We'll meet Tanjiro!" She thought.

Y/n and Goto was the seemingly harmless order of the insect hashira, Shinobu.

Y/n was placed on a different squad.

Y/n ran by her group while frowning, "Goddammit, I don't have anyone to talk to!" She whined. But seeing the mountain grow closer, she smiled. Excitement rushed to her veins as they got closer and closer.

As they made their way to the bottom of the mountain, she quickly ran towards the back of Goto. "Goto!" She called out once running beside him.

His eyes widened, "H-Hira! What are you doing here?! You're supposed to be on the other squad!" He exclaimed, glaring at her.

She pouted, "Oh don't be a part pooper ,Goto. It was so quiet that I needed someone to talk to" she replied.

Got could only sigh at her new found childishness, "Don't blame me if you get in trouble"

Y/n only smile, "Hai!"

Once they near the center of the forest, Shinobu began giving orders and examining the situation. Giving the antidote to the others, she proceeded to go away to search for the demon responsible.

"Shinobu-sama is really great" Goto praises as he injects a fellow demon slayer with the antidote.

"Hmm...yeah" Y/n murmured as she wrapped the unconscious boy in bandages. "They look like a mummy" she thought, giggling after.

"That other boy is great too" Goto suddenly says.

Y/n stops and quickly turned to the seemingly floating house. Her eyes brightening as she laid eyes on the bruised blonde demon slayer.

Tugging on Goto's sleeve, she pointed at Zenitsu. "Hey Goto, let's heal him" she states before going ahead.

Goto stared at her retreating back before following her, with the antidote and bandage in hand.


Y/n smiled widely and was thankful for the mask. She just couldn't help but grin at the sight of Zenitsu. I "Zenitsu is so cute in person!"she silently squealed in glee.

She carefully wrapped him in bandages and breathed a sigh of relief once she was finished. She carried his mummified body to a tree and leaned him to it.

Y/n pats his head before placing a sign of 'complete aided'

As she stretched her back she let out a small mewl of satisfaction.

But when she went to pack, she could hear the alarm of crows .

"It's time! I gotta follow Goto!" She thought, immediately searching for her male friend.

Seeing Goto, she quickly ran to him. "H-hi Got—

"Hey! You two! Carry the other ones!" A kakushi yelled.

Y/n nods and drags Goto away.

"It's a shame I didn't see Inosuke. But no matter! I'll get to see the cute Nezuko-Chan and Tanjiro-kun!"

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