"Her body is reacting to the medications. So, we would have to expect her acting up for a few days."

"A few days?" Martha asked shocked. "Ore cant remain delusional for that long, Doctor."

The man shrugged. "Let's just wait and see what happens. With that, he walked out of the room.

"God." Martha groaned crying into Philip's chest. Philip patted her back and tucked a stray hair behind her ear.

"We have to listen to the doctor's advice. He knows best!" He pulled her back and kissed the top of her forehead. His thumb grazed the dried tears on her cheek and traced the line of her small kissable lips.

Martha's breath caught in her throat. She thought Philip was going to kiss her with the intense way he looked at her. But he slipped a hand cooly into his pocket in restraint.

"Let's go get you a bite!" He wrapped an arm around her slim waist and they headed out.

Martha bit into her club sandwich and moaned in delight.

"This taste so good." She smiled.

"I'm glad you think so." Philip wiped some sauce from the ends of her mouth and licked it with his wet tongue. The action made Martha to bite hard on her lips.

"Why are you looking like you want to eat me?" His voice was dangerously low causing Martha rub the back of her neck nervously.

She laughed, a sizzling sensation buzzing through her. "Is it bad if I say I want to?"

The corners of Philip's mouth lifted in a lopsided grin. "I know you want to. And I maybe want that too but my feelings for Ore keeps getting in the way."

Martha couldn't understand what Philip saw in Ore. Despite the fact that she was her roommate, her bad qualities outweighed her good. She got angry easily, she trampled on people's feelings, she always wanted attention to be on her, she was naive. In fact, she didn't deserve a caring guy like Philip. He was too good for her.

"I think you need to move past that because Ore isn't going to stop loving your friend." Martha knew the words she said was brash but she was past caring. It was time someone brought the truth out plainly.

"Well," Philip stated. "We aren't having this conversation again!"

Mercy was hurrying to get into the hospital when she bumped into someone. The paper bag holding Ore's undies fell on the floor and an embarrassing blush crept up her cheeks. As she was about picking up a pink lace panties, a big hand closed over hers and she jolted back.

The guy before her smirked proudly. "I was just trying to help you." The smile tugging his pink lips was inviting but Mercy shrugged the thought out of her mind. She picked up the stuffs hurriedly and pushed open the door, breathing a sigh of relief. That was as close as she'd ever gotten to a guy and that left her feeling shaky.

She walked over to where Ore and Philip were sitting miles apart from each other, they were both staring awkwardly.

"ummm, did I miss something?" She asked settling in between them. She pulled Philip's cheek when he didn't reply and he yelped in pain.

"Ore thinks we hate her now," Martha said. "She doesn't remember that guy over there," she pointed at Philip.

"That guy? Really?" Mercy looked between the two of them. "You guys need to chill out jor, this isn't a quarrel center."

She sighed as a nurse who was walking past stopped on spotting them.

"Which of you is Mercy?" Her tiny voice asked.

"I am." Mercy raised a hand, wondering what was up.

"Ore wants to see you."

Mercy hit her chest. "Just me or?"

"Only you." Mercy rose from her seat and trailed behind the nurse leading the way.

"Ooh, so she doesn't want to see us now. It's all your fault." Martha accused Philip. He raised a brow questioningly at her.

"Let's not even go there."

Mercy sat by the side of Ore's bed and took her hand in hers.

"How are you feeling?" Mercy placed the food she cooked in front of her and assisted her when she saw that she was trying to get up. "The nurse says it's time to eat."

She smiled gratefully at her but Ore shook her head. She didn't want to eat, she wanted to see Dami. Mercy opened the food wrap and took a spoonful of the fried rice, urging Ore to open up her mouth.

"What you did earlier was not nice," she stated firmly. "You should apologize to Martha and Philip, they are only trying to help you. Don't push them away because of a boyfriend who hasn't called once to check on you."

"He hasn't called because he is busy recuperating from all what has happened. I am sure he misses me." Ore struggled to hold her tears at bay.

"How soon can she be discharged?" Mercy asked the nurse who was writing something in a clip board.

"As soon as the doctor says she can. It's all up to her honestly."

"Did you hear that?" Mercy handed over the food to Ore. "Now, eat up and stop being so stubborn."

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