Chapter 24 David and Goliath

Start from the beginning

"Uh, did your computer just talk?" She asked with a thumb pointed to it. Wu walked over to raise the volume on Pixal's voice as we all soon joined him.

"Do all of you remember when both Zanes broke control of Stellar's device without me overriding it?" Pixal asked.

"Yeah, it was really weird," Jay admitted.

"Well, I tried to pinpoint the source of the strange phenomenon, when it occurred. And, I just discovered the source I found after the battle matches exactly to the source emitting from Stellar's wrist right now," Pixal explained. Everyone looked over at Stellar who had already pulled up her pink sleeve. The device was still there shining brightly on her wrist.

"She still has the device!" My copy shouted in alarm. Most of us already got into fighting stances while keeping the Zanes behind us.

"Easy! Easy! I'll take it off. I honestly forgot I was still wearing it," Stellar admitted. We watched her carefully as she unlatched the device from her wrist before dropping it to the ground. The device landed with a loud crack, and we soon lowered our guard.

"So you're saying Stellar was the one who switched the Zanes back to normal?" I asked Pixal while trying to relieve some of the obvious tension.

"Correct," Pixal stated.

"See, why would I switch them back so quickly if I wanted them to destroy you," Stellar pointed out.

"So you could accomplish your boss's plan in making us look bad to the public," Lloyd spoke this time. I noticed anger quickly grew over Stellar's gaze. I stayed ready in case she attacked.

"I didn't know that was my boss's plan! And if I did, I would have never gone along with it if it ment hurting innocent people!" Stellar spat. I guess Lloyd hit a nerve with that last statement.

"I don't care what you say you didn't know. You still kidnapped our friends, brainwashed our other friends, and worked for the enemy! There's no way we're trusting you!" My copy shouted back. The whole room went silent. Tensions grew even higher as I saw the fury in both Stellar and my copy's gazes.

"I forgive her," A voice spoke. All of us turned to the voice to see Zane standing beside his copy. He turned his attention to Stellar.
"I'm not 100% sure you are trustworthy, but I do accept your apology from before," Zane stated. His copy nodded in agreement.

"I was really hurt at first, but I believe what you were saying before about it being an accident. I forgive you too," Zane's copy spoke with a small smile.

"...No offense buddy, but you once believed it when someone told you that mermaids would come to you if you tap danced in the sand," Cole's copy replied.

"How could someone even tap dance on sand?" Jay asked.

"Not the time, Jay," Kai remarked.

"I believe her," Lloyd's copy spoke up. I turned to him looking clearly surprised.

"Seriously?" Kai's copy asked in disbelief.

"I know what it's like to be treated like a villain, especially when you're trying to be good. I'd say give her a chance," He explained.

"Yeah, but people only hated you because of your dad. We hate her because she actually did bad things to us," My copy piped in again.

"Well I trust her," Cole said before walking up in between Stellar and us.
"We ran into some policemen who tried to arrest us. She could have very easily ditched us, but she stuck her neck out and came back to help,".

"But, she did say the only reason that she saved us was because she needed us," Jay's copy stated quietly. Cole turned his gaze to him surprised.

"Seriously!? Not you too!" Cole exclaimed.

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