Chapter 12 We Stick Together

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"Hey, you try and fight with nothing else but your fists against an Elemental Master," She explained herself. She then stopped.
"Wait why am I explaining myself to you?!" She shouted and sighed in annoyance. Quill then walked over to me with a tea cup and a bowl with a wash cloth on the side of it.

"What's the bowl for?" I asked as I inched back abit.

"The tea will only help close up the gash. We need to clean it first," Quill explained once I saw that the bowl was filled with water. I sighed once more, because I knew this was going to hurt.

Lloyd's Pov (show)

"So you see? We're the ninja just from a different realm," I finished explaining to the other ninjas' Master. Master Wu nodded slowly, while he stroked his beard.

"I see. I've heard my father speak about different dimensions a long time ago, but I didn't think he was telling the truth till now," Wu spoke slowly.

"Do you know if he spoke of a way to get us home?" Kai asked. Master Wu simply shook his head "no", and I slumped down abit.

"Then I guess our only option is to get the Realm Crystal from those criminals," I stated.

"Do you really think the ones who took Jay and Cole are people who work for that hooded figure?" Nya asked.

"There's a high chance they are," I spoke. I wasn't sure if that's true, but I really just wanted to believe it.

"Whoa whoa okay, if we're going to move on any further then we need some name changes," Jay piped in. He looked around at all of us and pointed to Kai's copy.
"You! You're new name is Torch, because your hair looks like a flame," Jay spoke.

"Hey! I'm not....actually...that's a pretty cool name. Can I keep it?" Kai's copy asked Nya's copy.

"No! Listen you, we're not changing anything. How about you guys change your names?" Nya's copy demanded as she marched up to Jay.

"Oh we already got a name for him, it's called Zap Trap," Kai explained with a smirk.

"Cole thought of it himself," Nya chimed in with a laugh. Jay whiped his head around and glared at us.

"I am not gonna be called Zap Trap!" Jay shouted.

"How about Mouth of Lightning?" Zane asked with a chuckle. Jay scoffed, and the rest of us laughed.

"That's even worse!" Jay complained.

"Hello to you, Lightning Mouth!" Zane's copy spoke happily to Jay. Jay groaned in irritation, and most of us burst out laughing.

"Well you definetly are alot louder than our Jay. How about Thunder or Crackle!" Kai's copy asked. Jay thought about it.

"Well Thunder sounds okay," Jay spoke with a shrug.

"How about this? Each of us decide a codename for ourselves, so no one gets confused," I suggested.

"I call Torch!" Kai's copy spoke with a wide smile.

"I'll go by Dj Rocky," Cole's copy spoke up. All of us looked at him to see that he was spinning a record in his hand.

"You're a Dj?" Jay asked.

"Planning to be one. I've only ever played at a few parties," Cole explained.

"Let's just call you Rocky for short," Kai spoke.

"Call me Dj or else no deal, man," Cole's copy demanded.

"Deal? Man?" Jay asked, before Kai sighed in annoyance.

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