Chapter 4 Ninja Meets Ninja

Start from the beginning

"Cole?" I asked.

The figure looked up at me. He was dressed in his Ninja Gi, and he had his headphones over his ears. He gave a slight nod and jumped onto the roof. I walked over to him with obvious confusion.

"What are you doing here?" I questioned him.

"I saw two figures creeping around the school, so I decided to check it out," he explained.

"You saw those ninja too?"

Cole gave me a strange look before shaking his head.

"I didn't see any ninja, but those strangers were hard to see from where I was," he admitted. I turned away from Cole and walked over to edge of the roof.

"Well, I haven't seen anything, yet. Whoever those figures were, they're probably long gone by now--"

I bit my tongue.

Those two strangers I saw before were now running across the football field. Cole walked up beside me and noticed them too.

"Let's go," I told him, and we both headed off towards the two new ninja.

Cole's Pov (Show)

This is so stupid...

Zane and I have been searching our area for a while now, and there hasn't been any sign of that hooded figure or anything else suspicious even.

This city just seems like any other normal city.

Why did we have to get mixed up in another crazy villain who wants us dead?

Normally, I'd love the idea of facing another enemy if it meant I get to kick some butt, but we don't have time for all this.

We need to find Wu. Whether he's fallen out of that time vortex or not, we can't just take a pause if it means he could be out there waiting for us.

Anyway, we just about finished scouting the area around this high school. We decided to cross the vacant football field to get to the other side of town when Zane stopped all of a sudden.

"What's wrong?" I asked him.

He seemed to be listening to Pixal again. He always makes a certain face when he does that. He turned his head back towards the school.

"Behind us! Ready yourself," Zane shouted. I looked to see where he was staring and noticed two other ninja sprinting towards us.

I readied my scythe and waited for them to make a move.


The one with the hammer slammed his weapon to the ground and caused the whole field to shake.

I staggered for a minute. I then repositioned myself as I stared blanking at what I just saw.

Did... did this guy just--

Before I could think anymore of it, the two of them charged again.

Zane's Pov (Show)

The grey-suited ninja didn't give me a chance to process what just transpired.

She flung her spear at me a few times, trying to land a hit.

She's fast--

--but also very sloppy.

Her fighting style actually reminds me of how Kai used to fight a long time ago.


I was shot back into reality when the girl's spear ended up trapping my arm against the fence.

This is what I get for monologuing in my head again.

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