Please Notice Me~

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I just want to take this out of my mind... This kind of scenario. Hopefully Ya'll notice this 😊 and hope I'll get your reactions or thoughts about it.

So here it is,

What if you have a girlfriend / boyfriend for years and one day, your lover and you had that argument and decided to just have some "Cool off" or should I say "Give each other a break". But unexpectedly, your lover was having a relationship with either your very best friend or to your very much close cousin, since you love your lover so much that you could die for it...

Then he/she came up to you saying,

"I'm breaking that person up after September"

You simply smile and nod politely as you still love that person so much, then responded...

"Then see me when September ends"

You smile and he/she walked away... Tears running down from your eyes.

It hurts as hell , isn't it?

Time passes by...

And he/she did the exact promise he/she told you...

It was passed September,

The person you love so dearly brought you flowers as tears forming from its eyes.

That person knelt down as it gave you the things it brought.


You're finally 6ft off of the ground.

But you're still in love with that person so dearly.

-YoursTrulyDeerYoda 💕

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