08 : Art

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Days turns to weeks
And weeks turns to months
Yet their Love still stay the same.

Lucas and Winwin stays a happy life just like what they were before... Travelling to places, having each other's arms to lean on and to hold, engaging lot of things like it's for the first time...

"Where do you want to go next?" Lucas asked him while cuddling him in bed "Maybe we'll just stay put for the next month... I'm so tired of going anywhere" Winwin said as he hugged him "alright if that's my love wanted" and hug him right back with all the love...

For a very short span of silence, which Winwin broke...

"I still can't forget the face of that young man" Lucas look at him "What do you mean love?" Winwin sigh "How could a mother just hurt him like that? What if the kid just want to be an artist or something that involves arts" "or maybe, the kid just did something which we never knew. We can't judge a mother disciplining her child" Winwin sigh silently "Yeah... I guess..." "Shall we go to sleep now?" Winwin nod and they slowly drift off while cuddling into each other...


Mark stayed up late again, mending his newly bruises and wounds...

"Maybe if I'll die right away, I won't feel this hurt"

He thought, while tears streaming down his cheeks, heart's been broke... but right at that moment, a cold air brushes his face... He look up and it was Jaemin, trying to wipe his tears away...

"Mark, what's wrong?" Jaemin asked though he already know, he saw it from the heavens... "No one's on my side Jaemin... right after I came back home from that field trip, Everyone's picking on me as the usual but... Today's too harsh" Mark said without looking at Jaemin and continued "Even Dad took her side, Grandma, Aunt, Uncle and cousins... They believe her that I always hurt her, torture her and even doesn't listen to her then treat her like a rag or something when in fact that it was her..." Mark look at Jaemin who's sitting across him with his swollen eyes "What should I do Jaemin? I'm too tired already. I want to die..." Mark saw Jaemin's expression, that worried yet having that shock thing,

"Mark... Don't say those words..."

"Why not? No one's been here for me anymore---"


He look straight at Jaemin,  which he saw Jaemin's expression like he's begging him to stop...

"Don't give up to life Mark... The bad storm might stay a little bit longer but that won't stay forever" "But what if it's for Forever?" Jaemin shakes his head "I want you to stay alive as much as life takes you... Out of the 4, 3 had gone back and there's still 1 remaining... and if that 1 will gone back, both families will suffer great punishment... Just think of it, What if you're the only one that's left?" Mark still look at him "What punishment?" Jaemin breath and answered "None of the members of those families will have a child all their lives... Either you're just a relatives or whatsoever, at least you're still on their family line..." "Wait, I don't get it... Why? How come?" "There are 4 kind of miracle Angels that the heavens gave to this 4 earthly families as a miracle and because of their Faith then set as a gift... They were Angels, given as a whole being... to each impossible couples, 2 were same gender and 2 can't have a child anymore but Heavens gave them this miracles. Yet, something happened, The 1st Angel gone back because both of him and his earthly family got murdered when he's still 19, the 2nd angel died because she rescued her whole family from that burning fire by spreading her wings that's why Heavens get her back so she can rest when she's still 18 and lastly, the 3rd one, who's still 20, sacrificed himself so Heavens can bring someone back to life and so the other remaining parent will be happy all over again, that's why he went back there" pointing to the night and starry sky "But there's only one left... but that family failed to give him love and care as much as what they promised themselves right at the moment they had him..." "It was nice if it was me, but it isn't" Jaemin look at him "If you want to walk away to find yourself Mark, I'll be right next to you... The Northern Star's watching over you" "Why you always told me about that Northern Star?" Jaemin smile at him "Because, someone and something's waiting for you, just below of that bright star Mark... He's waiting for his Star to meet him again..." without any other sign, Jaemin just disappear from Mark's sight.... Telling no see you later.

Mark laid himself down to bed, slowly closing his eyes on exhaustion...

"Am I really her child?" Tears escaping Mark's eyes as he covered his eyes with his arm, shedding tears as much as it wants.

In some time, Mark fell asleep while crying,  he's still sobbing his heart out... Like little did it doesn't know, his room door opened slightly, only to find out that his Dad checks on him...

Johnny Suh

He carefully and silently went inside and found him sleeping with swollen eyes, his heart broke upon seeing his son like that, then he later saw Mark's paintings... His painting of random things but what broke Johnny's heart? It was Mark's painting about the northern Star of him walking through it, Johnny covered his mouth as he saw other painful paintings Mark made... Tears streaming down on his face, he didn't know what to react...

But then, he found Mark's painting of Jaemin...

"Who's this kid? Why does he had wings---" he then realized that maybe he's an Angel... He sigh "Maybe she was right, My son's having an invisible and imaginary friend and maybe this is the guy... but how come he knew about the northern Star? When that myth wasn't even true?" Johnny thought as he remembered about what that young woman told them after finding out that his past partner's pregnant of Mark.

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