Chapter 8: Fight

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As I ran towards the robot, I formulated a plan to get Chloe out without making the robot explode. Only seeing one viable option, I jumped at a nearly horizontal angle and crashed into the glass.

"Are you ok, Chloe?" I asked, wincing from the pain of my cuts.

She just stared at me and nodded.

"I'm sorry about before, but we need to get out of here before something happens to the robot. Can you get on my back?"

She nodded again and climbed onto my back. Though it was painful, I smiled at Chloe so she wouldn't be any more frightened than she already was. After making sure we wouldn't get cut by the glass, I jumped out of the robot's stomach. Once we were outside, I set Chloe down and turned back to face the giant robot, who was still marching forward, unaware that its hostage had escaped. I charged at it again and kicked it with all of my might. The robot wobbled, but didn't fall down.

"Alex, I got the Docs!" Alexa shouted from the other side of the room.

"Make them turn off the robot! I'm not sure how to destroy it without it blowing us all up!"

"I'll try, but it's hard enough holding onto both of them."

After an hour long minute, Alexa spoke again.

"It's no good, Alex. The Doc destroyed the remote. You'll have to destroy it after we get out of the building."

"That'll take too long! The robot is going crazy and I don't know how long I can hold it off," I shouted between dodges.

When Alexa didn't respond, I took that as, "Figure something out before we all die." Sighing inwardly, I continued my offensive battle with the robot. Unfortunately, I was getting tired from all the dodging and soon, the robot managed to punch me, causing me to cough up blood. As I lay there, as weak as a baby, I waited for death to come. Surprisingly, it never came. Instead, Alexa stood in front of me, blocking the robot's arm as it tried to squish me.

"Hurry, get out of here," she grunted as she struggled to keep the robot's arm up.

"What about you? I can't just leave you here to die!"

"Forget about me and go. You can live a normal life without me around."

"You're wrong!" I shouted as I slowly got up. "I can't live without you. You're a part of me."

As I walked towards Alexa, a bright light suddenly appeared between us, giving both of us strength. Before I knew it, we were fighting the robot side by side like we were both one and separate at the same time. After we had broken the robot's arms, we charged in together to destroy the robot in one final blow. As soon as our fists collided with the metallic body of the robot, it started to beep. With each beep, the room became increasingly hotter.

"We've got to go. Now," I said to my companion.

With a nod, we were running out of the building before the robot exploded. As soon as we got out of the lab, the whole building blew sky high. Soon after, I heard sirens, indicating that the emergency team was heading our way. Luckily, nobody seemed to be hurt.

"You did it, you guys!" Chloe exclaimed as she ran toward us.

Alexa and I just laughed. We had done it. We managed to work together as a team to defeat the Doc and his robot and save everyone.

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