Going To Hawaii Part 8 (St 2)

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You wake up and sit up on the bed, you look in the bathroom and there stands Colby with a towel wrapped around his waist doing his hair. "Good morning babe" Colby looks at you and winks then looks back at the mirror. {'Babe' first time hear that from him} - Y/n, "Good morning" you say back. "Did you sleep well, my love?" Colby says "Yeah I slept like a baby in the arms of an angel," You say and Colby chuckles "That's good to hear and I have a surprise for you" Colby walks out the bathroom with his hands on his waist "Oh yeah what is it," you say with an exciting face. Colby walks to his desk and opens a drawer taking out two tickets "I got two tickets to Hawaii only me and you" Colby winks "but don't I need Jake and Tara my bodyguard to be there to" you say "When you're with me you don't need to worry about nothing babe" Colby says "Ok so when are we going" you say "Well..." Colby checks his phone on his desk "in about 3 hours", "What!? Why didn't you wake me up earlier" you say "it's because you looked so beautiful sleeping," Colby says "I should start packing for how many days are we staying there," you say "For 2 weeks or so," Colby says

*Skip to the airport where you and Colby are waiting*
Colby sits next to you and hands you your coffee "thanks" you say, while you're drinking the coffee you start to shake "Hey love are you scared" Colby says "W- what no" you say "don't be, like I said your safe with me, if anything happened to you I'll be there for you all the times" Colby says, you take one last sip on the coffee and lay your head on Colby's shoulder "thank you for everything Colby" You says, Colby than lays his head on yours {Why is he being so romantic?} - Y/n. You and Colby are finally in the plane seated and the plane goes off "Hey here hold my hand" Colby lays out his hand "thanks but I'm fine" you say then look out the window. Then the plane starts shaking and you immediately grab his hand and Colby chuckles, "Ok never mind" you say. After 4 hours of you sleeping on Colby's shoulders, you guys finally arrive in Hawaii. You and Colby arrive at the hotel and get your guys room "Now before we enter please where this" Colby hands you a blind fold, you grab it and put it on and Colby grads your hand and leads you in the room "Ok stay here I'll be right back" Colby says while walking off "Ok but don't take too long" you say "Ok take it off" You take the blind fold off and look at Colby kneeling on one knee "Y/n will you marry me" Colby says " I-um", "Look I know we just met but it feels like I knew you for a long time ago, this is for me and you, I want you to be safe, here with me" Colby says "I do" Colby puts the ring in your left-hand ring finger and stands up than kisses you on the lips "Now why don't we get ready for our romantic dinner for tonight" Colby says "I'm gonna take a bath first to relax" you say "Oh now that you mentioned that I think I'll be joining you" Colby winks and you two walk to the tub while kissing and taking each other's clothes off. The bathtub was already filled with water and bubbles with rose pedals. You both get in and relax "Ah I love this" you say closing your eyes.

A few hours later you and Colby get out the bath and get ready then go to the dining room "Wow this is so beautiful" you say "All of this is for you my lady" Colby pulls out a chair so you could sit down "Thanks" you say and a man with a suit comes in "Here's your menu if you're ready to order just ring that bell over there" the man points to a small table with a bell on top of it. "Ok thanks, sir," you say and Colby just nods his head than the man leaves. "Wow everything looks good here," you say "yeah, what I like about this place is that the menus have pictures for all the food," Colby says "So you've been here," you say "Yeah but it was only business the room didn't look as romantic as this" Colby chuckles "Oh really so what do you recommend," you ask "Well everything here is good".
The waiter comes back and takes you and Colby's orders, 10 minutes later the waiter comes back with your guy's food.
"This food is so good," you say "Yeah it's so delicious" Colby reply

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