The Makeover Part 4 (St 2)

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In Colby's House

"Ok so at 2 or 3 we are going to get you a makeover," Colby says to you "What no I like how I look," you say "But we want people to know that you are not the actual y/n," Colby says "Come on y/n it'll be fun, can we go shopping too," bf/n says "Well if you guys want to you can" Colby hands you a debit card "What no I can't take this," you say "I can't take no as an answer now take it" bf/n grads the card first then you could "Ok so let's go" bf/n walks out of the house, you then start walk when Colby says "Hey y/n", "yeah". "be safe and see you later," Colby says while he winks at you, you start to blush and turn around and walk away. "Hey come on we're going to forever 21"

At the mall

"Hey look, don't you like this shirt," you say but bf/n is not listening to you, she's looking at a guy "bf/n are you ok". "Well no this guy is following us" bf/n points with her eyes "come on let's go," bf/n says, you guys walk and bf/n walks behind you "Let's go to the restroom" bf/n says. You and bf/n walk in the restroom and check if someone was in a stall "Ok we are good" bf/n says that's when the man walks in with a gun "What do you want" bf/n says while walking slowly to the man and than grads the gun and bf/n pulls the man to the ground and points the gun at him "Ok ok Mr.Colby told me to check on y/n but now I know that Ms. Y/n haves you" The man says "Well duh I can take care of her and don't need help from you" bf/n says and help the man stand up "My name is Jake" Jake says while stands out his hand and you shake his hand "Y/n..., well you should already know my name" you chuckle. "You should get out of here before a girl walks in" bf/n say, that's when a girl walks in and see you guys "oh you found them," the girl says "um Jake whos this," you say "Oh I'm sorry let me introduce myself, my name is Tara," Tara says "So you two are together or something" bf/n say "Oh no I and Tara are just friends," Jake says "Oh really because you two look very close," you say "We know a couple when we see one" bf/n says "Come on let's not talk about this, Colby just told us to watch you two," Tara says "Ok whatever, if you don't leave and a girl comes in a see's you, they will calling security" you point at Jake "Ok I'll be waiting outside," Jake says

After you and bf/n went to almost all the store's in the mall you went to a salon and bleached your hair (If you have blond hair then you dyed it black) you look yourself in the mirror and started crying "Is everything alright miss" the salon lady said "Yeah It's just that I look so different no one will know me... but I love it thank you" You say. You pay the lady and had out "Come on let's go" you say to bf/n "Wait! What? Who are yo- y/n it's you, you look very different" bf/n says "Yeah I know, now let's go," you say "Come on guys lets go" bf/n say "who are you talking to," you say "Tara and Jake", "What? Where are they" You say "They are watching us from afar," bf/n says to you, you look around but you don't see no one "I can't see them, oh well let's just go," you say. You and bf/n go back to Colby's house, "Hey Colby we're home but first why didn't you tell us that Tara and Jake were going to be y/n bodyguard, don't you TRUST ME" bf/n says, Colby walks downstairs where you and bf/n are standing "Oh hey you're back, you look gorgeous" Colby grads your hair gently and puts it over your ear, you start blushing "Ok so are you going to answer my question" bf/n says to Colby but he just stares at you for a long time. "aren't they so cute" Tara say walking in the door "Like you can Jake" bf/n says to Tara "Ok stop we're just friends". "You sure cuz last time I checked you and Jake kissed," Colby says while he turns around and looks at Tara. That's when Jake comes in "Who kissed, wait don't tell me I know who. You and Y/n" Jake points at Colby and you "What no that would never happen," You say, "but in our webbing, we have to," Colby says and you start blushing even harder "And it looks like you guys met Jake and Tara," Colby says "Well duh I told you the first I entered the door" bf/n say "Jake and Tara are the best people you could ever meet, they are going to follow you guys everywhere you go if someone is approaching you too Jake or Tara will tell you through the microphone that you have on," Colby says "Ok I get it now, so where are our rooms," bf/n says "your guy's room will be across from mine let's go up stair and show you" you and bf/n follow Colby upstairs "this is my room and over here is y/n room" Colby point at his room and walks you to your room and opens the door "And this is y/n room", "wow it's so beautiful," you say "and over here is bf/n room" Colby opens a door next to your room "Wow this is... smaller than y/n room," bf/n says "I'm ordering delivery if you guys want something" Tara yells "Sure what are y'all getting," Colby reply "Something from Taco Bell," Jake says " Ok I want the same as always, do you guys want something" Colby says "um yes a bigger room if that's fine" bf/n says "Ok so that's a no from you what about you y/n" Colby say "anything is fine for me" you say "Y/n will get the same as me and bf/n wants nothing" Colby yells "Oh come on bf/n what do you want" Jake yells "I said what I said" bf/n says "Whatever we're getting you something weather you want it or not" Jake reply.

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