Help Me Please

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"where are you y/n I said to come here right now" Kenneth screams to you. You come out of your room looking at the ground "I'm here Kenneth" you say with a sad voice, "Its time to move out, you know I have a feeling that someone told someone else's that they are kidnapped" Kenneth said, you look up to him and say "i promise that I didn't tell no one". "I gave you everything you wanted but I can't give you your freedom, what do you want more y/n," Kenneth says but you just look back down at the floor "look at me in the eyes y/n did YOU TELL ANYONE" Kenneth yells "no I didn't, I'm telling you the truth" you respond to Kenneth "You know what I don't trust you. Tomorrow morning we are leaving this house but for now...." Kenneth grads your arm tightly and walks you to a room with nothing more than a chair in it "You are staying here for the rest of the day and night ok" you try to run but Kenneth grads your arm "Where do you think you're going" Kenneth sits you dawn and ties you to the chair "Now stay right here and I'll be in the living room" Kenneth walks out the room and leaves the door open, you try to loosen the rope and try to escape 5 minutes later and you give up that's when you hear a knock on the entrance door and then hear it open "Colby what the fuck are you doing here" Kenneth says "oh my gosh it's Colby" you say to your self "i just wanted to look around your house" Colby says "Yeah you can't your not the police". "Oh yeah well I have them right here" the police comes "Can we come in now," the police officer says to Kenneth "well you don't have-" the police officer puts the warrant in his face and says," You said", "go ahead I don't have anything to hide," Kenneth says "Well we'll find out," Colby says to Kenneth. The police officer and Colby go into the house and look around. You then see Colby coming up the stairs "Colby over here please help me" you scream "I found her" Colby yells to the police officer, Colby tries to untie you but that's when Kenneth come with a gun and points it to Colby "Well look who is the loser now, I killed the police officer and next is you" Colby doesn't move so you try to convince Kenneth not to kill him "Kenneth please stop you don't know what you're doing". "oh the fuck I know what I'm doing", "no you don't, you just want revenge and that's not good I know someone out there will love you and you'll love them too, but right now it's just not me. We can be friends again like old times" Kenneth puts the gun down "you're right" Colby turns around to face Kenneth with his hands up "But today I want you Y/n" Kenneth polls the gun to Colby but he grads it and they both are fighting over the gun until you hear a gunshot, you started to cry when you see Colby with blood in his stomach Kenneth hears the police sirens and runs away but before he does he say "I will come back for you Y/n" and leaves, you try to untie yourself and ran to Colby "Colby please don't die stay with me" you cried Colby grads your cheek "Just remember that I will always love you y/n" You grab Colby and hugged him, the police come to the room "Please help him" you say "We need an ambulance here" the police officer yells "Come on he'll be fine, let me help you" they take Colby to the hospital with you. Sam and Jake, Tara, Corey come in and see you "Are you y/n?" Sam says to you "yeah Kenneth shot Colby" you run up to Sam and hugged him crying and everyone joins in "Y/n look at me Colby will be fine, he is a strong person". A doctor came out of the room that Colby went in "family of Cole Robert Brock", you walk towards the doctors "is everything ok doc" Sam says "actually he is just fine, he only needs to get some rest and you can take him in two days, but he needs to be in bed for two week."

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