The Gang (Story 2)

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bf/n will mean best friends name

You live in a little town nothing really happens that's until the most well-known gang came called "Los fantasmas" aka The Ghosts". One day you were in your room peaceful until you hear your best friend coming "Hey y/n I have great news" bf/n says "What is it", "Los fantasmas are making a party tonight" "yeah and we are not invited" you replied "who cares get ready we're going" "Ok just let me take a shower" you go to the bathroom and take a quick shower and put on some clothes "Ok I'm done", "Are you really going like that" "what it's a nice outfit". "who told you that, come on let me see what you have" you take bf/n to your closet and she grads the sexiest dress you have "put this on". "What the fuck bf/n this shit barely covers my ass", "oh my gosh y/n just wear it" you roll your eyes and go to the bathroom to put the dress on, you can barely manage to put on the dress, you come out of the bathroom and bf/n sees you "wow see you don't look that bad". "i do look good but it's too much" you reply "Well it's a party you have to impress everyone in there", "Ok whatever let's go," you say. You and bf/n go to the house there were two bodyguards standing in front of the house "Do you have invitations ladies" one of the bodyguards say to the two of you "What invitations??" bf/n says "no invitation then you can't go in". "See I told you bf/n, come on let's go," you say "ok come on" bf/n say, you guys start walking back when bf/n turns back and runs to the bodyguard and jumps on top of them making them fall "come on y/n" you guys run to the house and everyone was staring at you guys "Wheres the bathroom" bf/n says " it's over there" one of the girls point to the way to the bathroom "come on y/n let's just wait in there for five minutes" you guys go to the bathroom for those five minutes you start making jokes "come on let's go out", "home is where we should be now" you reply "What if the bodyguards are standing out side of the door," you say "girl you worry too much let's go" bf/n opens the door and you see the two bodyguards standing and a man with a very nice suit and very handsome. "ladies please come out or you'll be in serious trouble," the man with the fancy suit says "Who fucking send you two" the bodyguard say "What the fuck no one send use we just wanted to come to the party" bf/n say "Ok guys calm dawn go back to your places, you two come with me" the man with the fancy suit say. The bodyguards go back to their places and you guys follow the fancy suit man to a dark hall and to an office. "Ok so why are you two girls here, what are your names", "your the leader of Los Fantasmas aren't you," you say with a thinking face "First answer my question and I'll answer yours," the man says "Ok my name is y/n-" you were halfway so finish when you hear gunshots outside "Come on let's go," the man says "But we don't even know you, " you say "my name is Cole Robert Brock but most people call me Colby Brock" you guys run to a secret room where you have to walk a long way to get to another house "Wait how did you guys do this" bf/n says " let's just say that I know people," Colby says. You guys walk in and it was a big mansion with lots of expensive things "wow you really are rich" bf/n say "Yeah you can say that, so let's go to my office" Colby says "Wait so you are not going to find out who is shooting the other house" you say to Colby "They can take care of them self's", " I have a job for you two if your interested" Colby says "What is it" bf/n reply "You're the first girls that ever passed my guards and lucky too, I usually kill whoever trespasses but you cached my eyes" Coby points at you "Someone told me that you will be great for the job", "What do you mean"you say "Come on y/n don't play with me you know what I mean" Colby replies "What is he talking about y/n" bf/n say "Ok I'll tell you but you won't like it", "I don't care just tell me, I did not move here for you just to find out that your in a gang" bf/n say "wow you really think that I'm in a gang" you say "Well your family is in one so you have to me in one to y/n" Colby say "And why do you care and how do you know that", "Don't you know they are trying to kill your family, 2 billion dollars to who ever kills your family and to take you to them" Colby say "Are you trying to take me to them". "Oh no I have everything I need I don't need 2 billion dollars, I just want to help you", "Ok you want to help her but why you need me" bf/n "You know y/n the most and you know how to fight, grad a gun and shot who ever is in your way" Colby says "About the fighting and the gun thing your right but about knowing y/n is not true anymore, you see she haves a lot of secrets and has never told me one of them" bf/n say while looking at you "Oh are you joking me it's just one, my family told me not to tell anyone or we'll be in big consequence with the mafia", "What the fuck y/n the mafia that's what your parents work for" bf/n says "YES is that a problem with you, your parents work for the police that's a reason why I couldn't tell you it's not my fault that my family choose to work for them" you say "Ok that's enough so are you going to let me help you and you help y/n on being her bodyguard" Colby says, you and bf/n look at each other and back at Colby and say yes at the same time "Ok good tomorrow morning you two will come and live with me" Colby says "What. Are you serious" you say "Yes when you get home pack the most important things you need and soon you'll move with me", "You know what it's fine for me at least I'll live in a mansion" bf/n say, you laugh "Ok I'll stay here only if bf/n stays with me"

Hey guys, hope you like part 1 of story 2 ❤️

Colby Brock & Y/n Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ