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Why was everyone knocking me over today? I opened a eye to see a lady staring at me. She had scarlet hair and brown eyes. She had no idea what to do in the situation and just helped me up.
She was blushing and mumbling about how my hair was the same color as the strawberry cake she was going to go get or something. I dusted off my jeans for like the tenth time today. I recognized the lady as I looked back up.
It was Erza! My eyes shone. "Woah! Are you Erza?" I had literal stars in my eyes. She had a scary smile on her face. I got frightened and slid back with my hands in fighting position. "Eek! Sorry for being clingy! Please don't kill me!"
I had a mixed splew of emotions and she looked horrified. "Why do kids always hate me?" She mumbled. I realized she was no harm so I wobbled over to her. I started introducing myself extremely fast.
"Hi I'm Nashi! I like your hair. You're so cool!" I gasped. "Do you wanna get some cake?!" She looked overwhelmed and just complied. I started talking about how her Husband was so cool and how she was my Idol.
She just kept nodding and followed me. She was extremely awkward around new people I suppose. We kept walking around the jungle of people. People were looking at us confused like "Why is that little girl dragging THE Erza Scarlet around?"
We kept on turning roads to the place I saw on my wild adventure I had yesterday. I led her to a bakery! She recognized where we were and led me into the place instead. We walked into a sweet smelling place with donuts, cakes, cookies, and more.
We walked up to a old man who shivered when he saw Erza. "T-the usual miss?" She nodded and replied. "We need more cakes! You need more staff! I want it done in 15!" He nodded. "Can we have 20 cakes?" She asked. I deadpanned.
Seriously? 20 cakes! "Sorry ma'am but the limit to cakes now is set to five" he crouched lower. "Oh... I- I guess that's alright." She had disappointment evident in fed features. "That'll be 12,500 jewel please." She reached for her wallet. She froze.
I looked to her confused. "What's wrong?" I asked. "Where is my wallet?" She mumbled. Oh.... I groaned. I seriously need to stop spending too much. I grabbed my wallet and handed the man the money. He gave me a grateful look.
"Your order will be ready in about... three hours." "Three hours?!" Erza asked. I sighed and took a seat. This was mainly a walk in place where you order and come back later so there was a minimal amount of chairs.
Erza and the man we're talking for a while. Erza seemed angry for some reason. I looked away. The pain in my leg was unbearable. The short walk to the place probably opened my wound honestly. I honestly didn't know how I got Erza to follow me.
Dumb luck I guess. I turned around and was Erza sitting across from me. She sighed. "Cake's gonna be done in like an hour." She looked away. She returned her fierce face.
"I'm going to re introduce myself again. I'm Erza Scarlet. I suppose you know who I am though. Who are you?" I complied. "I'm Nashi. Just Nashi." She nodded. "Can you tell me about yourself?" I looked out the window.
"I'm pretty young, 10 years old." I grabbed a strand of my hair. "I have Salmon hair which everyone says is pink, which is not!" She laughed because how I got so defensive of the matter.
"Me and my brother have run from home to seek out our father." She nodded. "Do you have any idea where he is?" "Yeah." She raised her eyebrows. "Why did you come to Magnolia?" I put a finger to my lips. "You will find out in time."
She smirked accepting my silent challenge for her to find out. We hung out in the bakery for a while till we decided to walk around for a bit. I opened the large glass doors of the bakery and walked out.
I took in a short inhale of the flowery scent of the place. Erza soon followed me shortly after. She smiled and we continued walking down the stone pathway. She had offered to carry me but I refused.
I wish I didn't because after about 10 minutes my leg was starting to bleed again. I touched through it however. Unfortunately you can't keep anything from Erza and she noticed the spots of scarlet. She demanded to find a bench to change it out and rest.
She hoisted me into her back. She was extremely sturdy and I found out a few things. 1: Her skin is extremely soft and 2: her hair was smooth and very healthy. I turned over and grabbed a small portion of my hair.
It was kinda nappy as I had tuned out any of my mom's lectures about my neglect to my hair. She had given me major pointers of how to fix it, but I forgot. I racked my head to remember but to no avail.
"Jeez calm down before you hurt yourself." "Hah?" (Imagine Bakugou) I quickly remembered who I was talking to and piped down. "What are you thinking about?" "Ah.. I just was trying to remember a hair thing that my mom told me a while back"
She nodded. "I have been complemented a plethora of times by various people... I could give you some pointers." Erza wandered aloud. "Really?!" I asked hope evident in my eyes. She chided, "sure"
I hummed in agreement as I turned around to look at the sky. There was pretty fluffy clouds and the soft shade of pink, red, and oranges. I could smell the rain so I knew it would either rain tonight or in the morning.
I turned back to Erza as it seemed she found a good spot. It was a iron wood bench that was in a densely populated area. It was a surprise no one was using the bench. She slid me off her back onto the chair. I landed softly on the seat.
I pulled my bag to the side of me as Erza sat down. She sighed. "I guess I could tell you my secrets now." She pondered aloud. We conversed about her amazing and extensive hair treatment.
I stared at her in awe of being so dedicated to do this everyday. My memories came back to me when she repeated some of her tips which my mom had relayed to me a few years prior. During the conversation she got distracted.
She looked behind me. "Why hello Levy, Gale, Happy. Who might this be?" I flinched. If they were behind me than surely... I got lifted. I hung like a cat while Luke stared me in the eyes. I looked away avoiding eye contact. "Nashi..." I flinched again.

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