Adding Up Trust

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I closed the door and sighed as Luke pointed out that she didn't give us a key. I noticed a small key as I picked it up. I tried the key on the door, but it obviously didn't work. I groaned when I noticed a number written on it.
I looked around and walked down the stairs, towards the mailbox I had seen earlier. I walked over to it and tried it on the mailbox that had the same inscripted number on the key. I tried it and it worked!
I looked inside and sure enough there was a 2 keys inside. I picked it up and gave Luke a  smile that said "I found it! I'm netter than you!" He rolled his eyes and snatched the keys from me.
He used the keys to open the door that led outside and we walked outside. I stretched my arms as Luke locked the door behind us as we walked around aimlessly. I was walking on the stone border admiring the scenery.
It seemed like there was a festival happening soon because off all of the bustle and flowers. I saw little shopping stands with stuff varying from ramen to merchandise. A certain stand peaked my interest as I wandered over to it, not minding if Luke was following me.
I wandered to it looking at was for sale. A kind old man who had white hair and was fairly plump greeted me. I greeted him back mindlessly as I was admiring the merchandise. It was a Fairy Tail item themed shop!
Not surprising considering Fairy Tail is very loved around here. I picked up a Fairy Tail insignia that I could put on my keychain and was still looking. "Wow you must be a very big fan!" I smiled up at him "Yup!" I replied.
"The stuff we have here is fairly new here. I could show you some of the older stuff is you like!" I looked at him with stars in my eyes as he chuckled and leaned down. "The stuff in here is probably from like 10 years ago... sorry if it's dusty"
He wandered out loud. He plopped down a large box on the counter of the stall and opened it. I gazed inside and stared. The stuff in here is really dusty. Some of the stuff is even broken. I fished around and found some more stuff that peaked my interest, like a set of golden keys.
The man noticed and spoke up "Oh I think that's an accessory to one of the old mages in Fairy Tail" he fished around the box "She was really pretty! Such a shame" he dismayed "Natsu and Happy followed her around like a puppy!
She was also a part of team Natsu and Natsu got really disappointed when she left, he probably loved her" he brightened up "Ah here we go!" He exclaimed "Here take this" he said as he put the keys in her hand and handed it to me.
I took in and looked down at in in utter shock. It was my mom! All doubts suddenly left me as he asked " You alright Kiddo?" "How much for this!" I shouted "Woah little missy calm your horses! Sorry but she's not for sale they don't make these anymore and she's the last one I have" he pat my head "50,000 jewel" "Deal"
I handed him the money as he shook his head in satisfaction. "Thanks for the Jewel" he yelled as he put the box back down.
I walked away ready right tell Luke about my huge feat when I deadpanned. Of course he left. I looked around worriedly as I was in a unfamiliar place, all alone. I wandered back of the stone pathway.
I looked around and passed a few house when I realized I was in front of the Kardia Cathedral. I stared up at in in awe. It was so huge! It was a great light stone church with a greenish roof. It looked like it was fit to be a castle! I stared for a while and decided I could visit later, as I needed to find Luke. I changed direction and wandered again.

(About 3 hours later)
I had passed by a few more stores, taking note of where they were for future purposes. I was starting to get worried to point of crying as I wandered past city limits. I had been walking for a while and realized I was now lost myself. I couldn't take the pressure and found a random tree and sat down.
I brought my knees towards me, cradling my legs as I started humming one of my mom's lullabies to myself, trying to calm down. It wasn't working as I started silently crying while still humming.
I was so distracted that I didn't notice the small figure in front of me. I only noticed when I felt a small paw on me, making me flinch. He stepped back, scared because of my reaction.
I didn't know who it was because my eyes were blurry, courtesy of my tears. I quickly rubbed my eyes and acknowledged the small presence in front of me. I looked up and noticed one of my idols, Happy. "You alright"
I heard his small voice ask, worried. I quickly nodded, trying to calm the overbearing happiness inside of me. "I'm Happy!" I heard his peppy voice chirp "I know!" I blurted and closed my mouth.
"Wow I really never get acknowledged so thank you" he happily said. "I-.. no problem! I'm Nashi" "Nashi what?" I stayed silent "It's alright! Keep your secrets" He said obviously not affected. "Wanna fish to pass the time?" "Sure"
(1 Hour later)
Happy and I had been fishing for a while and me spilling some of my problems to him, without revealing anything. He helped me look around for Luke and right now we had just found him, walking out of a store.
I ran over to him, giving him a huge bear hug as he yelped and I grunted because of the hardness of the bag. I grabbed his face telling him off for leaving me and him coming back with the valid argument that I wondered off.
I turned away from his obviously right argument and said "Thank you for helping me find him Happy! Here!" I handed him the bag of fish that I caught and he basically melted, thanking me graciously.
"I can take you home! This is the least I could do!" Luke and I looked at each other and shrugged, seeing no harm as I agreed. Luke and Happy conversed as they said their greetings as I noticed Luke wasn't holding his bag.
I looked curiously around and noticed it, slightly away from me. I faced the store as I leaned down grabbing the bag and looking up.Thats when I caught the gaze of someone. I stared and he did too.
He was the same boy I had seen at the library. I blushed and looked away and scurried back to Luke and Happy. I walked with them taking a glance back, and noticing he was still looking.
I turned and conversed with the two about random stuff after we had turned a corner. We started our walk home tithe the help of Happy of corse. I noticed he kept on getting considerably more confused as we were getting closer.
I stepped back on the ledge as Happy looked at me sadly. We kept in walking until we reached the house. Happy looked utterly confused "Why are we at L-... um why are we here?" "This is our new apartment!" "That lady sold her room?" "Who's room?" "....."
he flew up and looked through the neighbor's window. "Whoah why are you spying on our neighbor?" Luke asked "That's crazy! You got the same apartment place as my old friend!" "If she was still here you would be neighbors"
Happy started looking extremely glum, despite his smile. Luke was confused but I knew. I felt extremely guilty at that moment I wanted to yell "Lucy's our mom!" Or "We know where she is! She still loves you! She misses you! Come bring her back!"
Or something but I stayed silent, having faith in Luke's plan. I pulled down Happy instead and gave him a hug. He was stiff at first and then melted in and started crying. Luke and I gave each other a look of agreement as he unlocked the door.
I brought him inside and started walking up the stairs. We reached the climax and Luke went to unlock our door when Happy stopped him. "Let's go to her room"
We complied as he flew up and reached in his small bag and got a single key and unlocked our neighbor's door. Luke and I looked at each other having a silent conversation "Let's go" Happy said.
We walked in the nicely decorated room. (Just think of Lucy's room) Happy led us inside towards the couch and I sat on the bed wit Luke on the couch. Happy let out all of his sorrow by telling us their story.
I saw the gears click in Luke's lead as he realized but obviously still had his doubts. Happy never said my mom's name but we knew it was her. He told us about all of their missions and about all of the rings they would do from breaking into her house everyday to how they sent the prized tree down the road for her and how Natsu still denies he ever did it.
He told us about how they were a family and how they left her for a year all alone. While he was talking he led us to the bathroom and told us how they raided her bathroom and the shampoo that they both had fallen in love with because of her.
I noticed that it was the same shampoo as mine and I saddened. Happy also pointed out I smelled exactly like her and started crying all over again. We told him about trying to find our father and how we had to find out. He took sympathy as that's what they went through too and we all cried together and fell asleep.
I slept very soundly that night. Sometime during though I could have sworn that someone was inside though.

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