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The bright golden rays of the sun peered past the curtains to my face. I grumbled because of the disturbance and attempted to fall back to sleep, but to no avail. I groaned and sat up.
I realized someone out a blanket on us last night and pulled it off me, careful not to wake Luke who was cradling Happy. I swung my legs over the bed and stretched. I rubbed my head and stood up.
QI walked over to the kitchen and fixed myself a glass of water. I started drinking it and turned. I looked in the fridge and saw lots of take out food and leftovers. I fished around and only found a few things accessible to cook something decent.
I looked over at said found ingredients and wondered what to make. The only thing I could make with my cooking skills was bacon and eggs. I put the rest of the no longer needed ingredients and picked up some eggs and cold bacon.
I looked in a cabinet and pulled out some pans. I looked around for some oil. I opened a random and found a pantry filled with spices and hot sauce. Most importantly there was oil!
I grinned and pulled it down and taking some pepper and salt while I was at it. I laid out all of my ingredients and poured some oil in the pan. I waited till it was about to boiling temperature when I cracked the eggs in.
There was still some space so I added the bacon to cook too. I flipped all of them and shook some salt and pepper on them. They were ready and I took them out. I was about to make another batch for Happy when Luke walked into the kitchen.
I looked to him and smiled "Mornin' Luke" He was still under the influence of sleep and he just said a quiet "Hmmph" in reply. I turned back to the food, remembering to put small cut up pieces of fish in Happy's.
They were soon ready and I played them. Happy coincidentally walked in right at that moment and beamed. "Eggs, huh?" He asked "Mhm" I chirped back happily. I slid their plates to them and some utensils to them.
I grabbed a bottle of hot sauce and squirted them it over my eggs, much of the disgust of my mother. Happy noticed and said "So hot sauce huh? You like spicy stuff?" I nodded my head rapidly, courtesy of my face being full of eggs.
Happy had finally started eating as I saw the stars light up in his eyes as he tasted some of the fish. "You know me so well" he fake cried. We all laughed together. Later on we all got changed. Luke and I went back to our apartment and got dressed.
I put on a tight long sleeve crop top and some joggers. I put on some running shoes and Luke also got into his athletic wear. We had earlier planned to go train and Happy requested to try to help us train, as I had asked to train with Luke before.
I locked the door behind us and ran downstairs. I unlocked the main door and walked out I spotted Happy and high-fived him. He flew down and proceeded to lay down on my shoulders. Luke walked out and locked the door.
"So where are we going Happy?" Luke asked as he fumbled to put the hey away in a safe spot.  We started walking to the guild hall with directions from happy. "We're going to train!" "I know, but where?" Happy stopped.
Obviously he didn't have a place picked out and Luke and I groaned. "We can go train at the guild hall!" Happy exclaimed "Can we really train there if we're not in the guild?" I wandered aloud.
"I'm sure you can! If not you can just join" "I dunno Happy that seems like a big commitment for just training..." I mumbled. That was a lie. I was screaming inside. So far it seemed like Luke's plan was working perfectly!
I grinned, and Happy was turned to Luke oblivious. He was still giving directions and was keeping a conversation going. I zoned off and mindlessly followed them. I was looking at the flowers and other stuff when my train of thought was cut off.
"We're here!" Happy chirped. I looked up and saw the most beautiful building ever! I stared in awe and so did Luke. Happy held his arms in a superhero position, obviously boasting silently of spending most of his time in such a great place.
" Can we go inside?" I asked Happy with the biggest puppy eyes I could muster. He was contemplating when Luke butt in. "As much as I would love to, we can't. What if someone points out that we're not from here and they kick us out?"
Happy nodded in approval while I hung my head, dreams shattered. We turned inside the gate and walked along the high walls of the place. We turned a few times and were on a path.
Luckily no one was outside at that moment so we were safe. We followed the path and landed in a spot, slightly covered by trees. I settled on a tree and climbed in, hanging upside down from it. I held my jacket up by my hand.
"So what kind of training are we going do?" Luke asked. Happy thought for a moment. "What about magic training?" I flinched. Luke and I stayed silent. "What's wrong?" Happy asked with visible confusion.
Luke looked at me for confrontation and I sighed and nodded. Luke cleared his throat. "I- um.. Nashi.. doesn't know any magic..." Happy's face dropped. "Oh..." I sat up, my back away from them from embarrassment.
"Well that's fine! We have lots of varieties of magic! It's possible that at least one person will have your magic type!" "Happy I've been looking all my life how am I going to find someone here?" I mumbled.
"That's not going to get you anywhere just moping around! You gotta have some hope!" Happy's voice chirped. "Mhm" I pondered. Happy turned to Luke after I layed back down. "What kind of magic do you have?" "Uh... Celestial?"
Happy's face darkened but he still kept a smile. His lip quivered when he asked "Can you show me?" Luke nodded and pulled out one of his arm out. "Summon the gift of the crab, Cancer! He yelled. A bright light appeared in his hand.
I had already shielded my eyes but Happy was caught off guard and reacted late. I had opened my eyes to see Luke's scythe in his hand. It was a brilliant rose gold, but the actual sharp part was silver.
It had crab pinchers imbedded inside the metal had a engraving of mom's key on it. Luke quickly hid it with his hand. Happy had just gotten up from his minor blindness and groaned. He flew up and perched on the scythe.
"This is pretty cool! Bet it costa fortune" He hit his paw on his other paw as he said "The first thing we should do is get that light thingy under control!" "You can help with that?" Happy flinched. "Maybe..." he stuttered, embarrassed of being called out.
I laughed loudly. "Hey!" Happy pouted. I just kept on laughing as Happy turned and started poking the grass with a stick. Luke had walked over to try to get me to stop. I just ignored him and climbed higher in the tree.
I sat the peak of the tree. The branches were high enough so I could get a good view, but they were significantly smaller than the ones at the base. I sighed but I could still hear their conversation. "Here!" I heard Happy's voice chirp.
"What's that supposed to be?" "Our plans, duh!" I kept listening for a while but just zoned out. I enjoyed the breeze. It currently was spring so it was beautiful. I wandered at the cherry blossoms just thinking. "I wonder what mom's doing..."
I wandered aloud. A flash of light interrupted my thoughts as I groaned. This kept on happening for a while. I managed to zone it out and kept just admiring the scenery. About 30 minutes went by and I was starting to climb down.
Luckily I saw a flash of white coming out of the guildhall. I poked my head up to see what that was. I took a good look at them and my eyes widened. It was the Strauss siblings and they were just walking around to a training spot, probably.
I ducked down so that they couldn't see my very obvious hair. They were just about to turn a corner but a very bright flash came from underneath me. I cursed under my breath as they started coming near us.
I starting climbing down as fast as I could but I was too fast and tripped. I fell a few feet, but my foot got caught in the tree and plus the added weight of my body didn't make a good opportunity.
I was in a predicament to where if I moved I would create a gash on my leg as I froze. I looked upside down and was hidden by plenty of leaves. There was enough space to see down, however  and I saw the figures coming into the spot Happy and Luke were.
I grimaced and looked away when I saw those huge eyes Luke has when he gets caught. "Hey Happy who's this?" I heard what I assumed what Mirajane's sweet voice asked. "This is Luke!" I heard Happy chirp back.
"Why is he here?" Another feminine voice asked. "I'm helping him train!" Happy replied. A booming voice yell "Yeah! Training is manly!" I looked back down and realized I was in the middle on where they were. They conversed for a bit and asked questions. Happy came up with the thought of helping him train, and they agreed. They settled down as I sighed and relaxed a bit. Unfortunately I had forgotten the predicament I was in. I felt a thick twig scratch my leg and lost my balance.

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