Chapter 15.5: Allies

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Amy flew away from the building toward the missile and held out a fist in front of her, and the missile burst into flame as it hit her. The fire and heat roared all around her for a second and then dissipated.

Amy saw three more black helicopters closing in the building where the three of them were just talking.

"Hear me, Temple!" Proscenium's voice boomed all around the sky. Amy figured he must have some sort of voice amplification device in his armor to produce such sound. "You have made me your target and you turned me into a victim! I am here to say that I now have allies. On from this day forward, we bring the fight to you!"

Amy smiled. "What he said!"

Minutes later, all three helicopters were damaged beyond repair, their gutted shells on the street, with minimal property damage and no injuries to any bystanders. Amy, Proscenium and Future Girl left the wreckage for them for the police.

Proscenium welcomed the two girls to the Classicum Theater, showing them the area backstage that acted as his headquarters. Future Girl seemed fascinated with the giant antique organ against the rear theater wall. Proscenium explained that the theater was filled with hidden rooms and chambers known only to him, where he could contain the three pilots and question them about the Temple. Amy wanted to stay and talk some more, hopefully to find out more about his strange life, but he politely asked that they leave before sunrise.

It had been a long night, and Future Girl said something about having homework to do. Before flying off, Amy and Future Girl both gave Proscenium their phone numbers and e-mails. Proscenium did not have a cell phone or a computer, but he gave them the number for the theater's front office.

"Call during the day and leave a message for Arthur," he said.

* * * *

It wasn't until the next day that Amy remembered she had hung up on Dreamsmith.

"I'm so sorry, Sam," she said when she called him the next morning.

"It's all right," he said, after she got him caught up on everything that happened and everything Proscenium told her. "I wish I could have been there. I wish I could have helped."

"The more I think about it," Amy said, "the more I think the big news from yesterday was those coordinates for the submarine. If only we had a ship of our own to go find it."

"Um, actually?" he began.


"Remember when I said I know a guy?"


"If Proscenium can be convinced to join this so-called team of ours, this other guy might be convinced as well."

"Fess up, already. What guy? Who are you talking about?"

"He's... he's calledthe Ergosphere."

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Next: The Ergosphere. 

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