Who is She?

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The dark red color of blood seemed to swarm the stary skies as the night progressed in the tiny village. People screamed and ran, only a few escaping to safety. Others stayed in their homes and prayed for the night to end and for their divine protector to spare their lives. The stained ground cried into the earth, the moon shining down on the horrendous acts. It seemed to praise the demon that had struck up a fight.

The moon's praise soon ended in a thunderous clap, another figure landing on the ground gracefully bu ut forcefully. The shadow the moon casted over her face highlighted her frightening eyes as the glared at the demon killing humans left and right.

"You've caused quite the uproar tonight." You smiled and began stalking towards the devilish creature as the ground shattered under your feet with each step you took. "How many lives was that?"

"Have you come to take my prey? I was here first, so fuck off!" He growled, clearly underestimating you.

It made you chuckle as you laid a firm hand on his shoulder, a sadistic grin plastered on face. "Oh, dear. It was not me who trespassed on land that was not theirs." The demon shivered as you easily took his head off. "I can't kill you, but why would I do that to such a perfect specimen!" You sweetly chuckled and drug his violently thrashing around body as he tried to escape.

It wasn't long before you disappeared into the words, the villagers feeling safe once more. They begin cleaning up as an unknown man walked into the village, his strange bright colored hair shining on them like the sun itself. They apologized for the mess and explained the situation that had just occurred.

"What happened to the man, where did he go?" He asked, enthusiastically eating a bowl a udon.

"Oh, it was our protector sent from the heavens! She always helps us and other villages near by when danger like that arises!" The old man praised.

Suddenly, the door bell rung as a young looking girl approached them with small dots of blood covering her face. "It seems I've made a mess of myself, Mr!" You proclaimed and sat beside the demon slayer. "You're a demon slayer, aren't you? My name is (Y/N)! What's yours?" Your smile was as sweet as candy as you radiated kindness from every inch of your body.

"I'm Rengoku Kyojuro, the current flame pillar!" He replied happily. At first you gave a surprised expression then quickly covered it with a small smile. "May I ask why you have blood on you? Were you attacked? Are you alright?"

You chuckled and shook your head, "This isn't my blood, but if you want to know who's it is, I could really use your help with something involving that..." you trailed off not wanting to come off as threatening. He gave a large nod and quickly finished his food.

"Are you sure you wouldn't like anything to eat, (Y/N)-chan?" The shop owner asked, already well aware of who she was, or rather what she was.

You turned towards him wi th a closed eyed smile, "I'm alright! You feed me enough as is! Thank you, though! I'll see you tomorrow with our lovely guest!" You shouted and pulled Kyo by the wrist towards the woods.

"Just don't let him die..." the store owner mumbled and greeted his next customers with a smile.

For the first time, Kyojuro felt his heart race. What was this feeling that suddenly bubbled inside of his chest. He allowed you to pull him along until he stopped at an eerie house.

"What is this place?" He asked looking over at you as you gazed at the house.

"... My home. Maybe you haven't noticed, but I'm a demon, Kyojuro. I lead you out here, though, to do something I can't. It's also the reason I have blood on me." You whispered, waiting for a reaction. Almost immediately he pulled away from you, his hand sweetly hovering over the hilt of his sword. "The demon you're looking for, the one that attacked my family is inside."

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