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TW: gore, harsh language and STRONG SA themes and scenes so please don't let this trigger you by reading further!!

You pant as a fist plummets towards your bloody face, just barely dodging and kicking the demon away for long enough to get back into battle stance. He giggled, "wow, such a strong one! why are you just standing there, keep fighting, bitch!" he growls as he shoots off the ground slamming his shoulder into your stomach, blood landing on his back. You coughed and got ready to plant a firm elbow on the back of his neck, a crater exposing the ground beneath him from the blow. "Ha! i knew it! You're so strong (y/n)! Keep going!" he jumps up, surprising you by sending an upwards kick into your chin with his heel and sending you backwards into a tree. Falling on the ground, you watch tears trace your face, bewildered. "oh? you're crying! How upsetting! You're quite beautiful, you know. Even if you're crying,... or covered in blood!" he erupted in laughter as you grimaced in pain, pulling yourself up off the wet dirt.

"Don't try to measure my beauty with your horrid eyes, bastard." you spat the blood pooling in your mouth onto the leaves falling on the ground from the wind. You rush in, planting your foot directly in front of him, and jumping out of sight almost instantaneously, sending a knee to the back of his head. The sword you had held so tightly by your hands turned your knuckles white, glowing a bright red, flames encasing it as you slam it into his neck.


'what?!' your mind screamed as you watched your sword fall in two, broken by the strength of the demons neck. 'how is that possible?? he's not an upper moon!' your thoughts raced as you tried to find a new plan. Before you knew it, though, his hand was on your face, pushing you into the ground as he knelt with a wide, toothy, and despicable grin. "I think i'll take you with me." he chuckled as he watched your eyes grow wide, only imagining what that could mean. Your vision blurred with black dots and water as more tears washed the blood down and off your damaged skin. He howled with laughter and picked your head up, slamming it into the ground again, leaving you unconscious from the double impact. "I think I'll take you for my own amusement." his eyes lit up with excitement.
"We have to go find her! We have no clue what happened or if she's even okay!" Kyojuro shouted, obviously upset that you were missing. He cried out to the others, "you don't think she's dead do you?! We found her sword in two but no body!" he frantically leveraged, "for all we know they've either taken her to changed her! either way we need to go get her!" he looked to anyone for a look of pity or a look of agreeance but he was alone for once. No one agreed that they should find his beloved. Everyone lost hope like a withering flame as soon as your sword was discovered, but he swore he would never give up on you. He meant it.

The tortured expression of disappointment and anger was painted by his deep scowl and furrowed brows. His honey colored orbs almost welling with tears as he felt the almost certain doom of his partner. Kyojuro decided he would rather die fighting for you than let you die in vain. (he doesn't die i promise)

9 days later...

Kyojuro ran through the woods, almost certain he'd seen these exact sights before already, but certain he hadn't been here. He wouldn't waste time searching an area already cleared. Not knowing what to even look for, he aimlessly cut down any demon that he came across. The other Hashiras considered it his way of grieving, and so they let him do as he wanted. 'Good, at least they won't get in the way.' He frowned knowing they were just waiting on his anger to burn cold to host a funeral, but how could it ever?

"DAMMIT, (Y/N)!!!" he growled, somehow picking his feet off the snow faster than before, scanning the area for any movement at all. Anything.

He watched the day grow into a deep slumbering night as demons begun crawling out of hiding, their boldness only returning death to them as a favor. He killed any of them, but would always ask the same question, "WHERE is she??" his anger was clear in his face. Anyone would recognize it just by looking at him, he had not kept his calm very well (or at all 🫡).

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Jan 27 ⏰

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