Deadly Love

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Not my idea!! This was requested by MoreauTheCat !! I saw the idea and knew I had to do it!!
I hope you enjoy it UvU~

You breathed heavily, running away from a horde of angry, rotting, flesh eating monsters. Tears flooded your eyes, remembering how you were forced to leave the place you called home for nearly 3 years. Why? Well, it was because an animal of some sort was being chased by another human who had caused lots of noise. It had attracted many of the horrid monsters that now littered the face of the planet.

The bat you had in your hand was all you had to keep you safe. Guns were extremely rare to come across since when the outbreak first happened 7 years ago, the government tried to limit the amount of people killing themselves, taking the guns from the households and citizens. When it happened, you thought it was a dumb idea. But you weren't the leader, so what could you do about it?

Suddenly, a hand grabbed your ankle, pulling you off balance as you face planted, immediately turning on your side to swing the bat.

You stopped when a familiar face smiled at you, his golden orbs reflecting your dirtied appearance.

"Fancy meeting you here, (Y/N)." He grinned, helping you to your feet. "How did you manage to get such a huge horde after you?" He asked, beginning to run.

You followed, "I wasn't the one they were originally after. Some guy chasing an animal led it straight to the house forcing me to leave." You admitted, keeping up with his long legs compared to your short ones. Your breath was still ragged, but you managed. "Where are the others? It's almost dark, we'll need someone to open the gates." You whined, hoping they didn't get themselves killed.

"They're already waiting for us."

You glanced at his expression, his eyes focused on the path while his long hair fluttered in the air more than your own. It made for a good handle to pull him away from the undead that was constantly trying to kill you all. You couldn't even get scratched by them, their claws covered in temporary paralyzing toxins. You pulling him away from the undead was surprisingly very often since he would recklessly throw himself in front of you. You smiled and closed your eyes.

You were glad you had met Kyojuro, even if it was only 2 years ago. Before that, you were on your own. Spending your days alone, an isolated life for sure. Meeting him, though, on that day seemed like a fairytale inside of a nightmare. He had saved you from the horrid monsters. If not for him showing up, you would be dead for sure. Ripped to shreds and eaten.

"What are you thinking about, (Y/N)?" He gave a bright smile, basking in the new found color in your cheeks.

You pushed him slightly, running ahead slightly. It was playful, something you adored even in such deadly times. One wrong move and you could end up dead... but with Kyojuro, all your worries floated away. It was all fun and games with him and his personality.

"It doesn't really matter, does it?" You stated, nonchalantly.

You felt two arms snake around your waist, stopping your from your run. "Maybe not, but that doesn't mean I don't want to know what you're thinking, lovely." He cooed sweetly into your ear.

"Do you really have to do this now? Did you forget there's a horde?" You asked with a smirk, knowing he would let you go.

"No, but I want to know!" He paused for a moment then sighed, "Since I can't, though, hold my hand!" He let you go, hoping you wouldn't just run off and ignore his request.

Rengoku Kyojuro Oneshots (Request Open)Where stories live. Discover now