. 6 - Lies.

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- Zak's POV -

This is the same feeling. I must've fainted again. How could I be so careless? Oh god, if they see the pool of blood and flowers in the restroom, they'll link it up and Darryl and Vincent will find out. I don't want them to worry so much about me. Why though?

Do I deserve to have people worry over me?

Gosh I'm thinking nonsense. I flutter my eyes open to the same view as before. I groan as I shield my eyes from the sun and sit up.

"You are finally awake, this is the second time in a row Zak Carder. " A familiar female voice said to me, with a stern tone.

The female voice sighed. "Your free to leave. " She said.

I nodded as I hopped off the bed, stumbling a bit to catch my balance. I look to see Darryl's worried expression race over to me to help me stand.

I nod as a thanks and we both leave the infirmary. I sigh as I look in Darryl's green emerald eyes. I gulp down the feeling of rising petals as he helps me get to the front school doors.

"You are coming with me today Zak, I asked and they let me have the day off with you. Let's head to my apartment. " Darryl told me, for some reason I couldn't hear the happiness in his voice like before.

"And you've got some things to explain. " He added, I felt a shiver run down my spine as we both frowned. I nodded quietly as we walked down the sidewalk silently. Him helping me walk.

We meet the doors of the big building as he let's me lean on the wall as he fumbles around for his keys. He unlocks the door and helps me in, we stare at the stairs and then at eachother, we both nod as he helps me basically half climb up the flights of stairs.

Darryl opened the door and helped me in and onto the couch, I stared at him as he closed the door and walked back over to me.

"What. Happened. " He asked, I winced because I couldn't understand if venom laced his voice or if he was just being stern.

I shook my head and pouted. I crossed my arms and stared at him. I felt heat rise in my cheeks, and Darryl's got a bit rosey aswell.

"On a serious note. " He said, shaking his head from the flusterdness as he stared at me dead in the eyes. I stopped my act and sighed as I fidgeted with my fingers.

"Why did you faint? " He asked gently.

" I was tired. " I croaked, trying to be a vague as possible.

He shook his head. " Did you lie to me? Because the nurse said otherwise. She also said, and I quote, 'for the second time in a row'. Which can only mean you fainted yesterday aswell. And you said you where at the Infirmary. So you must've lied. " He said firmly, staring at me. I flinched and backed away from him on the couch. Pressing my knees up to my chest as he pressed his glare harder on me.

"I just. " I felt the words tumble out of my mouth, the rest got stuck. What was I supposed to say?

"Save it. " He sighed. His eyes laced with disappointment as he got up from the couch. My eyes widened.

- Warning cuss word ahead. Skip if you don't like it -
"Wait i-" I tried to catch his attention. "SAVE IT! " He yelled at me, I felt angry.


"THE POINT IS THAT YOU FELT THE NEED TO LIE TO ME! " He yelled back. I flinched and brought my head down. I couldn't bare to argue anymore. I was already tired, and my throat ached.

I scrunched my eyes shut, did I ruin my friendship with Darryl? Yeah right..


We both know that's a lie.

I sigh as I open my eyes to see Darryl placing a cup of milk on the coffee table, sitting down next to me.

"Sorry for yelling muffin. I just.. " He sighs, looking towards me.

I looked at him as he stared into my eyes, giving me a sad smile as he inched closer.

"Yeah.. " I mumble as I turn away. He seems to notice.

"Maybe we can just forget about this? " He asks. I truely don't know anymore. It seems our bond was broken from a simple lie. That I caused. My fault.

I nod slowly, yet I feel the unbearing pain of lying to Darryl. It hurts. But I feel like I have to. I let a smile creep on my lips as one tugs on his as well.

My worries soon melt away as he got a blanket and draped it over me, he inched closer and rested his head on my shoulder. I felt heat rise in my cheeks as I pouted.

"Aren't I supposed to be the one resting my head on your shoulder? " I looked at him. He smiled.

"Oh my goodness you muffin. " He replied, he pulled his head up as I claimed the spot on his shoulder with my head, the warmth soon made me drowsy.

I fell asleep leaning my head on Darryl's shoulder.

/. \

I wake up on a black hard floor, I flutter my eyes open to see an empty void.

"Hello?! " I scream into the void. Suddenly I'm hit with this overbearing pain. My heads pounding as I look around, suddenly I spot a familiar black and red hoodie, I run over to them.

I tap them on the shoulder. "Darryl? What is this? " He turns around and.

He's covered in blood, my eyes widen as I watch him collapse onto the floor, I rush over to him and pull him close to me, checking for a heartbeat. I feel tears overflowing my eyes. I was confused, what was happening? Suddenly I hear whispers.
"Your fault! "
They kept repeating themselves, like screaming echoes. I held my hands to my ears and pressed them as hard as I could. I kept repeating no over and over again. I looked down to see a pool of red surrounding where I'm kneeling, it surrounds me. I scream, but my screams get muffled by the redness.

/. \

- Darryl's POV -

I jolt awake after hearing something, I look over to see Zak mumbling with an expression of fear. I shake him by the shoulders, it seems to snap him out of it. He screams and then looks at me with overflowing tears in his eyes, he starts to sob uncontrollably, leaning into my chest. I'm stunned, too shocked to react. All I do is stroke his back as I hold him tight.


Don't have much to say, other than, thank you guys so much for 100+ reads! I appreciate it so much!


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