. 2 - Think about it.

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- Darryl's POV -

I walked down the hallway to the school doors,  my backpack dangling from my shoulder as I pushed the school doors open with force,  there was something with that boy.

How those Mocha brown eyes met his,  his fluffy raven hair. How he made him feel.

It didn't take alot to guess that Darryl fell head over heels for this boy,  yet he knew he'd never get the chance.  Zak Carder was over the top popular,  why would he want to be with a loser like Darryl?

Yet something,  gave him hope.  Yet something,  he knew something shone in that boys eyes.

I thought once people got popular,  they had some agenda to fulfill,  like being a total douche. But him.  No,  he actually HELPED Darryl.  Maybe there was hope after all. 

I looked around and noticed most of the students had left,  so I walked out of the school area down the small trail that lead to my neighborhood,  it wasn't the richest,  but not the worst behaved. Darryl lived in a small apartment near the school,  he had landed a stable job in a coffee shop near his home.  He was living steadily,  but it didn't help his insomnia.

I sighed as I noticed I had already arrived home,  I fumbled with the keys and finally let myself in the huge apartment building,  my actual apartment was on floor 3. I walked up multiple sets of stairs as I reached my apartment.

I fumbled a bit with the keys before I let myself in the messy uncleaned apartment,  I had to clean it soon. I opened my phone and unlocked it,  as I threw my backpack on the couch lightly,  I sighed as I scrolled around my phone. I noticed that it was quite late,  I opened my backpack to take out a few books,  I opened up a few to a surprise,  there was a folded note in one of them,  I opened it up to find.

Hey!  This is Zak ;)
My phone number is: xxxxxxxx
Call me!  ;)

I chuckled,  he must've slipped it in while I was lost in his eyes. Should've seen it coming.

I opened my phone up and went to message him,

>Hey!  Is this Zak Carder?  @-@

I waited patiently for a response.


I rushed up and grabbed my phone,  I unlocked it and went to messages

Ya it Zak,  wto dis? <

I couldn't help but snort at his bad spelling,  suddenly I feel the heat rise in my cheeks as I watched the message. My fingers slid over the keyboard,  typing a reply.

>This is Darryl.  -_-

I felt monotone,  maybe I should've put more excitement into my texts?  Suddenly my phone buzzed again.

oh it afuallt u I dint thidnk u wogld actually tect me back<

I looked at the screen as I typed a quick reply. After that,  we got along.  We talked for hours,  I totally forgot about studying,  he made me feel comfortable.  It was sort of weird,  but we found out we had one thing in common! We both liked MineCraft.

I looked over at the clock on my wall and realized I was totally late for work,  I typed back to Zak that I had to go to sleep,  even thought it was a lie. It was hard to choke up enough courage to lie to him.

I grabbed my coat and ran out of the door.

- Zak's POV -

I look over at the time and wince,  it's been quite a while. I yawned and turned my phone off,  we had been talking quite alot since I gave him my phone number.  I was thinking I should maybe introduce him to Vincent.

I stood up and walked off to the bathroom,  looking in the mirror,  the bags under my eyes have clearly not vanished,  i sighed as I grabbed the toothbrush and started to brush my teeth.

Just 5 days left until absolute disaster,  who knows what will happen at that horrid party.  Zak felt a shiver run down his spine as his mind traced all the possible routes the party could go.

But his mind would always come back to Darryl,  no matter what.

He sighed as he turned back and opened his bathroom door,  suddenly he felt something get caught in his throat.  He coughed for a bit,  holding a hand over his mouth.  He must've caught a cold or something,  but it was quite weird to catch a cold,  since it was pretty warm.  He lifted his hand and took a deep breath as he stared at what was laying on the palm of his hand.

It was a simple rose petal.

He looked around the room,  feeling eyes being pinned on the poor boy. He stared back down at the petal on his palm,  he decided to shake the thought off as he walked to the toilet,  he dropped the petal in and flushed the toilet.

I walked back into my room and sat on my bed for a while,  do I remember eating a rose petal?  Would I be stupid enough to even do that?  He toppled over onto the bed and laid there on his back,  letting his thoughts surface as he dragged his fingers through his raven hair.

It wasn't that serious,  right?  He felt his eyelids get heavier with each thinking thought. Maybe he should tell someone?  No.  He can't let them worry.

Then the world went dark,  as the sleepiness consumed his thoughts.  He fell asleep.


Yay,  finished another chapter!  Uh,  this didn't meet the 1000 words thing,  so sorry about that!  Kinda wanted to post the chapter as soon as possible.  Hope you enjoyed! 


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