Please read.

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I apologize for posting a non chapter in this fic again. But i feel that posting updates  on this fic would reach out to my followers better. 

If you didn't know, i've been not updating lately. 

I want to explain some things, 

I haven't been updating because i haven't been feeling motivated at all, i don't feel joy in making stories anymore since i know nobody will read the ones i'm actually proud of. 

Now, i'm not telling you to read my other fics, no, you don't have to. 

Another reason i'm not updating is because my mental health is just terrible at this point. I think i need to focus more on self care, but i don't want to be selfish and not write. I started this, so i'm gonna finish it. I started these fics, and i'm going to finish these fics. 

I'm trying to cheer myself up with writing a DNF fic, it's called "Little Letters". I thought of the concept while in school. So if you want, i can post it. It's not meant to be published since it's a comfort fic, but if you guys want, i can publish it. I don't mind either options. 

Goodbye for now. I'm still here. 


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