Chapter 17: No! What? Why!

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-What The Twins Looks Like--->

-Sides on Left< ---o--- > Sunny on Right.


(Paige's P.O.V)

Having a tired expression on my face as I leaned against the kitchen counter with a hot chocolate in my hand, yawning I took a sip out of my hot chocolate. It was 8:00am on a Monday and Ratchet decided to wake me up hell early. Why?. Oh because apparently I sleep too much. The thought of me sleeping too much made me roll my eyes. I don't get enough sleep, what the hell is he on about?.

My attention was gained by the medic himself as he once again broke my door. Literally. Last night when I got tired from chasing him around with a frying pan, I decided to lock him outside the house because I was pissed off that I failed to get back my food. Well WORST idea ever. LITERALLY . Especially when he kicks your front door down. Groaning I looked around the corner at the annoyed medic glaring daggers at the wooden door that was now flat on the ground pretty much demolished.

"Ratchet...", I whined while walking over to the scene, "I told you to use the key I gave you!, not kick the door down AGAIN", I complain, pointing at the what used to be a door.

Grunting he now glared at the small key in his hand, "It didn't work!, I tried swiping it and hovering it near the lock but it wouldn't unlock!", he claimed ever so innocently.

This caused me to laugh under my breathe but face-palm at the same time, "oh Ratchet..", I say softly.

"what!?', He grunted now annoyed at me.

I started to laugh louder and walked off back to the kitchen trying not to spill my drink as I stumbled on the way, "Your so Innocent man", I giggle but that turned into a yelp as I quickly go into a crouch just dodging a wrench to the head. "Missed!", I tease, sticking my tongue out at him. Ratchet smirked and then i knew i spoke to soon. The wrench rebounded of the wall and hit me in the back of the head making me stumble forward in pain and drop my mug full of hot chocolate.

"argh you ass-", I was cut short receiving another wrench but into the stomach.

"Don't you dare call me names femme!", Ratchet claimed pissed as the two wrenches easily flew back into his hands like a boomerang .

"you-", I started off.



"No buts"

"Come on like-"


Glaring daggers at the now amused medic, I stood to my full height while crossing my arms around my small frame and tapping my foot on the ground as I gestured to my shattered coffee cup and spilt drink.

"what about it?", Ratchet asked looking at the mess.

"You are cleaning that u--"

"No way!, I am not your slave!", Ratchet claimed stubbornly.

"Well too bad!, you are because you caused it!", I say raising my voice slightly as My hand moved to a frying pan hiding behind a pot plant.

"I am not doing-", He froze when I got out a frying pan.

"Do it or taste my fury!", I raise an eyebrow at him making him put his hands up in surrender. "Good", I say now calm as I walked back into the kitchen.

"Oh by the way Paige!, The twins are babysitting you today!", I froze.


////////////////////Le Timme Skippe////////////////////

Glaring daggers at Ratchet's Alt form while I sat on my front porch waiting for my 'babysitters' to arrive.

"I can not believe you", I growled with narrowed eyes, this cause Ratchet to laugh making his Alt mode shake slightly.

"I need to get medical supplies. The twins were the only ones available to babysit you", Ratchet claimed trying to hide the amusement that laced his voice.

"And I could not come with you. My Guardian. Instead of being babysat by Sunstreaker and Sideswipe as they will pretty much blow up my house!", I hissed like venom towards him.

"Whaaaat!?", Ratchet dragged the word purposely obviously finding this very funny as he knew Sunstreaker and Sideswipe caused trouble where ever they go.

I put the rude finger up at him, "ass-", I got cut off once again getting hit in the arm with a wrench, hissing in pain i rubbed my arm, "No swearing".

"Shit", I mumbled then easily regretted it as another wrench hit me in the arm again.

"Ahhh you Bitc-booger!", I sighed in relief as I had saved myself at the end.

"Hmf", Ratchet grunted as he waited for the twins arrival.

"Why can I not come!?", i whined.

"Because, you will distract me", I raised an eyebrow at him as he continued, "Your annoying and I do not want another frying pan thrown at me", He claimed hissing the words ' frying pan ' through gritted denta.

"Oh", I say plainly before continuing, "If they blow up my house, your fixing it", I shrug.

"Excuse me?", Ratchet said, a little surprised,

"Yup", I say calmly and grinned wildly, "I'll make sure there's a surprise when you get back home , Hatchet", I claim.

Ratchet suddenly growled, "Don't call me that!"

"But you need a nickname dude!, Everyone else has one", It was kinda true actually I haven't given Ratchet a Nickname.

"I don't wan't a silly nickname", Ratchet said plainly as his holoform appeared in his driver's seat, his dark blue eyes glared daggers at me.

"Hmm", I hum, " I'll call you doc"

"Not that either you stupid human!", I crack up laughing as I knew he hated that nickname., "Ok ok.", I waved my hand at him then an idea struck me mind.

"I'll shall call you Ratch"

Ratchet looked at me through the driver's seat window and did a low hum in thought, "fine", his dark blue eyes went to a stunning bright electric blue, which made my voice get caught in my throat as we stared at each over. I don't know how long we stared at each over but it was quickly ruined as the Twins pull up at Our- My house and Ratchet bidded his good-byes quickly but quietly before he drove off.

What the hell happened there!?.

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