Chapter 13: Confusion.

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(Paige's P.O.V)

A beep from a Machine rang in my ears as I became aware of my surroundings, pain erupted in my body as I moved my head sideways, I seemed to be in a hospital room, flowers in vases were placed all over the room they all seemed fresh and newly brought, which had proved I have not been here for too long... hopefully.

"ugh", I groaned, the room was blurry and I could not recall anything, the last thing I remembered was.. I can't remember..

My left eye did not seem to open, what had happened to me?. Was I hit by a car?. Who am I?. What is happening?.

"ah, your awake", I slightly flinched in surprise not knowing that someone had entered the room. I sat up slowly but painfully as I leaned against the pillow, I spotted a blonde nurse smiling lightly at me. I tried to speak but my words came out as coughs causing my lungs to ache, she was about to hand me water but realized both my hands/wrists were covered with casts. So she helped me drink a cup of water once I was finished she threw the empty plastic cup into the bin next to the bed.

"uh. Miss What happened?", I ask her my voice still rough, she looked at me with sad eyes, "Your friends are waiting for you outside..they have been here since they rushed you in here", her voice turned into a whisper at the next sentence, "We thought you had died"

My right eye widened as my left stayed..well derpy, I was in total shock, I didn't even recall having friends with me .. do I even have friends?, "Can. I see these..friends?", I asked her, the blonde nurse nodded and walked out of the room, I could easily hear her shout that I was awake to them after a few seconds I heard a lot of shoes running against the tiled floor. Before I could blink my right eye in bursted a group of people I did not even recognize.

A man who wore a doctor suit that had his left arm in a sling came right at me checking my health and everything before I could even protest, "oh thank goodness your okay!", a man said with brown scruffy hair.. his name tag said 'Lennox', the rest seemed relieved that I was awake but did not mutter a word, I looked at them plainly and confused.

One of the bright blue eyed males that wore a flamed jacket waved the nurse off politely saying she was dismissed from the room, once she left the room they all started to talk to me. The doctor walked back to them and stood next to two blonde men that looked like twins but one wore a red t-shirt and the other a silver.

"Paige.. we thought you were.. dead", a male with blonde hair that had black tips said sadly just forcing out the last word to me,  "since the Decepticons.. shot you, you were not breathing.. your lungs collapsed. Broken ribs. Your left eye is permanently damaged meaning you will never be able to see out of it again . broken wrists/arms. Your spine was nearly shattered.. you would of been a veggie", claimed a male with silver hair who had headphones around his neck, he seemed really into hip-hop, he looked like he was about to burst into tears.

I frowned even more confused.

Paige?. Was that my name?Decepticons?. What the hell is a Deceptican. or con?. I was shot?. Who are these people.... I swear I know them but its... fuzzy... all fuzzy.

Then a guy that wore all black with dark brown hair noticed my confusion.

"Paige?, are you ok?", he asked everyone went quiet and looked at me, I felt useless and a burden. I didn't even know who I was and who they were. For all I know I don't even exist. 

Tears swelled up in my right eye trying my best to hold them back, my lip quivered as my self-control broke and my confidence fell like a window being smashed... all my walls of security have fallen..

I am broken. Lost . hurt. sad. overwhelmed. I don't even know who I am anymore.

I faced them slowly in pain, my scratched up , swollen and stitched legs hanged off the edge of my bed as I finally looked up at them, tears where easily shown in my eyes as I tried to keep them in but failed, my head fell to my legs.

I burst-ed into tears, whimpered and sobbed, finally calming down a little, I finally looked at them , their gazes went soft and they frowned as I tears still left my eyes they were unsure what to do. I finally forced the words out of my mouth.

"Who am I?"

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