Chapter 8: Walk?.

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(Paige's P.O.V)

I breathed in the morning air, putting one earbud in my ear as I turned up my music from my phone . Yep Morning time, surprise! . It's 5:30am in the morning the earliest I have been up.. this year. Don't judge me.

"Okay Paige. Your turn to have a morning walk to yourself. No Human. Dog or even Robot", I mumbled to myself, needing a break to sink everything. I had a feeling that everything will soon go serious, No more messing about...I sigh in relief as I finished sneaking passed the human hanger.

"Ok, Here we go. the exit just out of the Autobot Hanger. Very simple. yep", I whisper, trying to convince myself that I wasn't going to be killed by a warrior robot.

My hand turned the door handle slowly, and I quickly opened the door, I winced as the door squeaked and the sound echoed throughout the silent base. I crept inside closing the door behind me earning a low 'thud' from the door shutting.

My heart was beating faster then ever and I swear, I could hear my heartbeat go louder and louder. Which wasn't very good. I started to tip-toe across the silent hanger passing by Arcee, Prowl and Jazz. The sound of my feet could easily be heard as they shuffled against the floor. My tip-toeing soon turned to ballerina leaps.

I was half way across, I gulped finally noticing Ironhide, Ratchet and Optimus Parked right at the end. Impossible and I mean impossible to sneak pass them. Like come on!. I'm dead . I sighed knowing I will be caught and I can not go back without being notice otherwise. Damn it!.

My eyes narrowed, determent. The exit was wide open Paige. Just for me. Yep. I got this shit. I'm going to wake them up from recharge either way.

So, let's do it my way, 'The Paige Way!.' Prepared to be squished, exploded or skinned. I breathe out oxygen that i did not even realize i was holding in the whole time. I lift my hand in the air doing the 'peace' sign.

"GOOD MORNING BITCHES!!!", I screamed, running as fast as I can out of the base. The sounds of yelps, screams, yells, metal transforming and soldiers running to the Autobot hanger. Defiantly could be heard.

I climbed the fence. Leaping over the wire on top and landing roughly on the ground, I groan and get up, dusting my hands, before smiling widely.

"Yosh!, I'm free!", I exclaim, fist pumping the air, but my shoulders slump realizing a tired and surprised Will and Epps.

Then came Ironhide, Ratchet and Optimus, slowly walking out of the base following Will and Epps, lazily in their holoforms. I chuckle seeing Ironhide yawn which he holds a confused face at what he did. I hid behind a bush.

"Where did that kid go?", Will said annoyed, looking inside an empty barrel, his hair all messy and his uniform need re-adjusting.

"Jazz did say he thought he saw movement in front of him, while he was about halve way in recharge", Ratchet mumbled tired, rubbing his eye.

"Soooo....she Just ran out?. How she passed us soldiers yes, But you guys!. Like your robots!", Epps stated in disbelief, throwing his hands up in the sir. He had a point. I did actually get pass them quite simple.

Ratchet scoffed, "Us 'robots' need recharge as well you know. Otherwise we get tired and slack off the job. Do you want us to recharge in a middle of a fragging war?",Ratchet questioned annoyed, crossing his arms around his chest as he looked around the area. Ok, he had a good point too.

"Yeah, yeah. Let's Just find Paige!. We don't want con's finding her!. Galloway will be on our asses", Ironhide snapped tired looking through crates, now more soldiers and Autobots soon joined the search hoping to find me.

I snorted, but muffled it with my hand as I see a halve asleep Mudflap fall face first into mud. He did not get up. Oh god did he fall asleep?.

After 15 minutes , I still hid in my hiding spot . Finding watching them run into walls and Boxes tiredly, as they look where I was, Highly Amusing.

I know its mean, but hey it's way better then going for a walk , I should head off now. I slowly crawl out, but My attention went to the now calm Optimus.

Optimus walked out of the Base area, he seemed to be lost in thought. The prime suddenly headed towards me, I groaned mentally in my head.

slowly moving into the bush again, hoping not to be seen . All I wanted to do was go for a walk. A peaceful walk. Without Supervision. I'm an Adult for crying out loud.

"Paige..", Optimus called my name, walking towards my hiding spot. I froze on the spot. shit he saw me, didn't he?.

"You know I can see you right?", Optimus questioned looking at the bush I'm hiding in. I whined standing up from my hiding spot.

"How did you see me dude?", I ask, he raises an eyebrow in amusment, "I didn't, It was a trick", my jaw dropped. "I just got tricked... oh my god", I face-palm, earning a light chuckle from Optimus

"Why are you out here?", he questions me sternly, I nervously laugh, " I just wanted to go for a walk.. alone", I admit with a frown.

Optimus sighs, "But you can't, What happens if the Decepticons find you and no one is there to protect you?", he asks, wanting an answer as we headed back to the base. I dragged my feet.

I sigh in defeat, "I'll be squished, shot or interrogated. Yeah i know", I mumble. My shoulder dropping.

I stopped in front of the gate, Optimus stopping a couple of centimeters in front of me, he turns to face me with a questioning look, "I'm going to be in deep trouble, aren't I?", I ask him, with a deep sigh.

Optimus just shakes his head and walks off again, me following not too far behind. I walk inside the Hanger were everyone had moved to search for me, no one seemed to notice I was standing here.

I looked to my left noticing an annoyed and slightly Worried Ironhide searching everything he could search. I smirked an Idea coming into my head. Optimus stood next to me and raised an eyebrow once again, easily knowing what I was bout to do. I walked to Ironhide, know standing right behind him, peeping over his shoulder.

"Oh no Paige's missing what do we do Ironhide?", I ask, a worried Ironhide who was looking inside a box.

"Just keep searching!. we got to find her...", Ironhide said slightly worried, I smirked.

"awww hidey!, you're such a softie!, I feel loved! ", I squeal. Slightly fangirling at this, wrapping my arms around my body in a self-hug and Smiling widely.

Ironhide froze for two seconds then whipped around now facing me, before I knew it my face met a toned out chest, a pair of strong arms wrapped around my small frame, his chin rested on top of my head. I was too shocked to do anything, mentally screaming and fainting though.

"You made me so worried. Idiot", he mumbled... I was about to respond when I got cut off by coughing, ironhide immediately let me go and I turned to face a crowd of smiling people. .

"You mean, Paige made everyone worried, where is our hug?", Will teased the now slightly embarrassed Ironhide and I just laughed.

"I feel loved!, group hug?", I question, opening my arms widely.

"GROUP HUG!!!", everyone yelled.

Next minute i was crushed by hugs.

This couldn't become better...

Not it can become worse.

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