"That sucks that Darryl's working but I know you'll be needing me to watch the kids while you guys are loving each other somewhere and when you come back you'll tell me all about it." Sirah said.

"I understand he need to work and I'm totally okay with it because a few years ago I was on this world tour and I never came back to LA until February." I replied.

"Darryl's  lucky to have supportive wife like you through his insane working hours and him traveling somewhere to help solve a cold case." Sirah said friendly tone in her voice. 

"I know I told you this before I married him that I am going to support him no matter how far apart Darryl is and I'll always think of him until he comes back." I  responded proudly.

"I'd love to chat more but I got to go to  work soon and I'll see you later." Sirah said as she was ready to hang up.

"It was nice talking to you and bye." I replied with a smile.

"Bye Dems." Sirah said as she hung up.


As I put the phone down I saw Leah and Alyssa walk to the door.

"How was your time at grandma's?" I asked with a smile as I saw my girls walk in.

"We had so much fun and grandma want to give you this." Leah replied as she handed me a little black box.

When Leah handed me the box I opened it up and inside looked so beautiful.

"Omg this is so beautiful." I said  admiring the bracelet with my name on it that had some charms around it.

"Grandma said to us you'll love it." Leah replied with a smile.

"I will I got to go call her." I said as I walked over to the phone as the kids started taking their shoes off.

"Hey mom." I said with a smile.

"Hi sweetie; how are you ?" My mom asked.

"I'm great." I said.

"That's good to hear." My mom replied.

"How are you ?" I asked.

"I'm doing fine; thanks for asking." My mom answered.

"I wanted to call you because the girls just came back from your place and Leah handed me a little black box that had a little charm bracket inside with my name on it and I just wanted to say thank you." I explained  while admiring the bracelet in the box.

"You're welcome honey, I wanted to buy you something nice because I love you and I'm so happy to have you as my daughter." My mom said with a soft smile.

"Awh thanks mom." I replied.

"Was the girls any trouble?" I asked as I changed the subject.

"No they weren't;they are perfect angels and you and Darryl taught them well." My mom answered.

"I'm glad to hear that; I'd love to stay and chat more but I got to make something for supper for me and the kids." I said.

"Before I let you go; how come you're not making anything for Darryl?" My mom asked with a confused look on her face.

"Darryl's working all this week and it's just going to be me and the kids for a little while." I answered.

"Well, that makes sense, I'll let you go now have a good night." My mom said.

"You too bye." I  responded  as I was about to hang up.

"Bye." My mom said as she hung up.


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