"No we named him after James Monroe. Of course he's named after you idiot," Thomas exclaimed, causing us all to laugh. 

"He looks so much like you," My dad said, towering over Alexander to look at his grandson. 

"He has Thomas's eyes," Lafayette said, also towering over Alexander. 

"That's what I said!" I exclaimed. 

"So Y/n Thomas told me you're on bed rest," my dad said, sitting on the edge of the bed next to me. I nodded. Alexander handed Alex to my dad, "Y/n he really is handsome. I can tell he is going to grow up to be a fine young man." I smiled. 

"George you forgot we have presents!" Lafayette exclaimed. Lafayette picked up a bag on the floor and handed it to me. 

"We each got you one thing," Alexander said. Thomas pulled out the first thing. It was a stuffed lion. 

"So he'll always remember to be strong," my dad said. 

"Awww that's sweet," I responded. The second thing was a French book of lullabies and bedtime stories. Some were in English some were in French. 

"Lafayette that's very thoughtful of you," Thomas said, flipping through the book. 

"Y/n my present isn't in the bag because it's a little fragile, but do you remember that lullaby I use to sing to you when I was little?" Alexander asked. 

"Yeah, what was it called? The Story of Tonight right?" I said. 

"Yeah anyway," Alexander pulled a small music box from his pocket. I cranked the crank and it began to play that song Alexander sang me to sleep to all those years ago.

~A/n you guys really need to listen to this. It's the definition of beautiful and it makes me cry almost every time. I wish it was a real music box I could buy. It makes me think that John Laurens and Alexander Hamilton were probably in love and they could never say it. Laurens might have even been his true love, I mean have you read their letters? Hamilton didn't talk for 2 days after he found out his beloved Laurens had died. Some historians think Laurens death was the reason Hamilton overworked himself, leading to his affair, leading to his downfall. Anyway this song will also always mean a lot to me. As a pansexual female in America the lines "I may not live to see our glory, but I will gladly join the fight" and "raise a glass to freedom, something they can never take away" will always resonate with me. Sure gay rights are good in America, but we still have a long way to go. I am very lucky that I don't live in a country were I could be imprisoned or killed for who I am. Anyway back to the fluff y'all sighed up for~

I immediately started crying as I heard the lullaby. I remember one night I was in Alexander's tent with Lafayette. My dad had gone out to fight and I was scared he wouldn't come back because it was right after my mother had "died" and I was afraid I was going to lose my father do. I remember Alexander tucked me into his friend Laurens cot and sang this to me, slowly I fell asleep. Even to this day I sang this song to myself to calm down. 

"Y/n what's wrong?" Alexander asked. 

"I-it's just so pretty Alexander," I managed to choke out, "and I'm sure Alex will love it too." 

~A/n I hope you enjoyed this update. For this Gaga update, we are not actually going to do a Gaga update. Today is the birthday of the woman who made me realize I was not straight, Jasmine Cephas Jones, so we are going to celebrate her birthday. Happy birthday Jasmine! Her voice is so beautiful and y'all need to listen to her song Moonlight. 

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