twenty two.

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"You don't need any man." Jessica slurred, raising her glass into the air, "You want to know why? Because none of us need men, okay? We are two beautiful, independent, young looking girls, and we are a fucking catch."

30 minutes ago Aiden pretty much told me to move on. To simply just get over it. So I came up with the brilliant plan to drink the bottle Jessica brought. We poured some into our glass cups mixed with punch and before we knew it, we were drunk.

I listened to her words and couldn't help but cheer for them.

"You are so wise." I said, and we both laughed. This party is becoming a lot more fun by the minute. I was trying to not think about how my 'relationship' with Aiden was over, I can cry about that later. Tonight, I'm drinking to it.

"Hey, have any of you guys seen Tristian?" A voice says behind me. I turn around and see Natalie. She was wearing a short tight fit nude colored dress with a black frayed mask, and nude colored heels. She looked beautiful, as always.

"Nope," I said, popping the 'P'. I took another sip of the punch and watched as Natalie's face dropped.

"You guys are seriously drunk?!" She whispered, walking in closer to us.

"Shhh," Jessica said, putting up a finger to Natalie's lips as a way to silence her.

Me and Jessica both laughed, throwing our heads back in amusement. I put my hands to my mouth to try and stop them, but fail. The thing I love about being drunk is that it takes your mind off everything, and simply puts you in a good mood. Remind me to do it more often.

"I don't have time for this. I have to find Tristian. He's supposed to take pictures with me before the auction starts." I can see the worried look on her face so I try to calm myself down a bit. I'm starting to feel a bit guilty, I need to compose myself.

"You haven't seen him at all?" I ask.

"He said he'd be by the punch. That was twenty minutes ago." She unlocks her phone and tries calling Tristian again, but there was no answer.

"Well, he's not by the punch." Jessica states the obvious since we were standing right by it. Natalie rolls her eyes and tries calling him again.

"We'll tell you if we find him." I reassured her.

"Thank you." Natalie says to me and then goes off into the crowd to continue to look for him.

I take some more sips of my drink before placing the cup on the table beside me. I couldn't help but feel bad that we're drunk at this party. Natalie organized the whole thing, I could tell it is important to her and here we are embarrassing her.

"Elle, look." Jessica nudges me with her elbow and points to some guy in the corner. His eyes continue to stay on Jessica, which is no surprise to me. She can get any guy in here.

"Now tell me he isn't hot." She says, waving her hand and smiling at him. I look back at him and squint my eyes to focus, fuck this alcohol is getting to me.

"How can you tell? He has a mask on."

"Oh I can tell." She replies. "I'm going to go for it." She seems confident in her words and I shake my head at how brave she is.

"What?" She couldn't be serious. I could never have the guts to walk up to some stranger and immediately start to flirt. I wouldn't even know how to start. I've never been the first to introduce myself to some guy, which is probably why my body count is a lot less than both Natalie and Jessica's. If only I were brave like them.

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