I held back a smile. Violence wasn't very nice--not that I could talk much since my reaction to being cheated on wasn't perfect--but seeing Noel so passionate and protective about something was a welcome change in pace. "Maybe...you should hold off on that."

"Shut up," he said softly when he saw my face. Then his eyes hardened again in thought. "He's seventeen. The fucker shouldn't have even touched her much less impregnated her."

I winced at this new information. "Shit, Noel, I'm sorry."

He sighed, taking a moment to really look at me. His eyes softened again and I saw his shoulders loosen a little bit of their tension. "Thanks. Sorry for freaking out. I know I'm usually not so...like this."

I shook my head. He definitely wasn't. "It's alright. Your shit is fucked right now."

"Yeah, but it's nothing compared to..."

I knew what he meant. My mom's cancer. We hadn't talked about it much so I shrugged, stopping him. I hated thinking about it. "We can't compare like that. Your little sister being pregnant is the worst thing happening in your life the same way my mom being sick is the worst in mine. They aren't the same but they're just as bad to us individually."

Noel looked like he wanted to say something. Then his eyes dropped to his packed bag.

"I should probably go." I nodded. "I'll text you. Let you know when I'll be back."


"Don't miss me too much."

I rolled my eyes. "I think I'll manage."

Noel's lips twitched. He looked a little less sour than when I'd first come home to find him fuming. "Okay. Bye, Nat. Thanks for listening."

As he walked by me I thought about hugging him, but I just stepped aside. His arm still brushed mine as he went to the door, though, and at that moment it felt like more than enough.

"No problem," I said as he went. "Drive safe."

Then he was gone and I was shutting the door behind him. It was going to be a lonely week.


I read Chéri while Noel was gone. Well, not all of it. I started it. The writing was thick and a little hard to keep track of as I wasn't used to reading things like that.

Even though it was difficult, I knew it was better than good.

It still gave me a headache, though. I was on page 10 and it had been two days since Noel left. My pace wasn't that great, I'd admit, but I should get points for trying at least.

As I was reading, laying sideways on my bed, a text surprised me. I put the book down and grabbed my phone. I was doubly surprised to see it was none other than the book-owner himself.



He was vague, but somehow I expected that.

At first I wondered if he was coming back. But the other day he'd said it might be a week so I didn't think that was it. Maybe he felt like talking about something. God knew, he had a lot going on.

                                                               Hi. How's home?

Super chaotic vibes. Are you busy?

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