"Where did you get this?" Ashley asked. 

Kate shrugged. "Stole it from my house before I left. My parents didn't realize it," 

To be honest, Ashley knew there were still three years until she was legally able to drink. But she had drunk before with her family and a couple of times in some high school parties she went to. There was also last night where she went to Seattle with her family which she drank too. She was responsible enough.

And, really, who did really wait until they were able to drink legally anyway?

As Ashley took a sip she heard the new song being blasted through the speakers, one of her favorites and she started smiling. She had many fears about starting university but so far, everything was going so well.

A week has passed. Ashley's first week at university.

She had to admit, not having her family around the school was different for her. She was used to them being around. Even when she was at elementary or middle school, her family would come by from time to time to check on her.

She wasn't homesick but she was family sick, if that made sense. She was used to living in such a way and now that she was on her own, by herself, she had a little trouble settling into her new 'normal'.

She actually called everyone a couple of times already and it made her feel better already, just to hear their voices.

She was now on one of the cafes on campus, sitting with a few other Architecture majors she met over the week. They seemed like nice people. They hung out a couple of times already but it never hurt to spend more time.

Her phone vibrated and Ashley saw that she received a message from Kate. It only said for her to come to the room, now.

She quickly mumbled an apology to her friends and explained the situation and left. She had texted Kate to learn what was going on and why she had to rush back to their room but all she said was that she needed to come as soon as possible.

Of course, with Ashley's luck, the cafe she was at was on the other side of the campus from the dorms. As she power walked, maybe even running a bit as well, she really wished to have the super speed her family had.

When she reached the stairs to her dorm's floor, she found Katy there talking to Mandy, another girl that lived across their room. "Katy," she gasped.

Katy turned to her and burst out laughing. "Dude, look at you," she chuckled, "I didn't know you'd be this fast. Wow, I expected a couple more minutes,"

"You said to come now," she let out as she tried to catch her breath. 

Kate chuckled again. "Yeah, I didn't think you'd become Usain Bolt,"

Ashley rolled her eyes. "Anyway, I'm here now, what is the emergency?"

Kate smiled. "You'll see,"

"What?" Ashley mumbled in confusion.

 Kate chuckled. "By the way, I'm crashing at a friend's tonight, so get comfortable," she said as she grabbed Ashley's arm and gently pushed her to the corridor of their room.

She was about to start complaining about what the hell was going on and why was Kate acting this way when she spotted the body standing next to their room's door.


He turned around and flashed a smile. "Surprise?" 

Before she could even say 'oh my god', her legs had started to move toward him and soon she was embraced inside his arms.

Loving You / Paul Lahote -  [EDITED]Where stories live. Discover now