"But baby he was right there, he was right there. And you weren't there." I grabbed on to Mehki tight.

"Payton this the 3rd time you had a nightmare, for the last time nobody is there and nobody is after you." He grabbed me by my face looking me in my eyes.

"You gotta trust me on this" I looked at Mehki, he looked so restless. I've waken him up for three nights. I wouldn't let him sleep unless I was sleep.

"Understand" he shook me up and bit down on my bottom lip. Kissing me gently on my lips. I placed one hand on the back of his head.

"Yes" I said after the passionate kiss we shared. I could feel my girl getting excited down there.

"Now get some sleep and stop stressing." He rubbed my belly and kissed me again but this time on my forehead.

Next Morning

I woke up the next morning feeling like crap. Today was the day I never saw coming so soon. I blamed myself for this although Cash told me not to, I still do.

Princess funeral was in a couple of minutes and I was a wreck. My heart was aching. I never felt so much pain in all my life.

I know I had to pull myself together because Princess would want me to.

I stood in the bathroom mirror looking at myself. Tears formed in my eyes. I heard a slight knock on the door.

"Who is it?" I asked softly. I kneeled down to rinse my face with the wash cloth. I made sure I cleaned my face before my tears were noticeable.

"It's ya uncle Mondy" I wiped my face dry and opened the door. He wore a white button down with an all black blazer from Tom Ford with a pair of black chinos. Versace loafers on his feet.
Once I let him in I sat back on the bathroom chair. Playing with my finger nails.

Mondy took a deep breath before he spoke.

"Look P, I know you going thru it right now.. Shit we all our. But you have to stay strong and think about all the good times we shared with Princess." He looked down at his shoes and a small smile crept upon his face.

"Yeah, there's a lot of those" I played with the string on my robe.

I was trying to stay strong but I was a second away from breaking down.

"How are you taking it uncle Mondy?you never say anything. Have you even cried." I asked wanting the honest truth.

I waited for his response looking him in the eyes.

"Well shit, yeah I cried and I asked God so many times, why my sister? Why God why my sis." Uncle Mondy clinched his jaw up and squeezed his fist tight putting it to his mouth.

"It's all my fought, if I would have never.." Uncle Mondy cut me off before I could finish.

He pulled me into a hug. We both cried. I could feel my shirt getting damp from the tears that escaped his eyes.

"Niece it's not your fault, stop saying that. I swear that better be the last time you ever think and say that it's your fault. You not the one to blame. Nobody is, you hear me?" He spoke soft but sternly.

Uncle Mondy never told me no lie and I knew deep in my heart that I could trust those words that left his mouth.

"Yeah, I hear you" I said in between sniffles from me crying. This shit is tough but I know there's light at the end of the tunnel.

"Princess would kick ya ass if she knew you was doing all this stressing while carrying my niece." I took my head from Mondy chest and twisted my lip up.

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