Chapter 41

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I watch baby Rose walk around in her baby walker while sucking on her pacifier. I was in the living room with Fives, Echo and Hardcase since it was our  turn to take of the baby.

Soon Rose started to squeal happily as she strolled towards the television and stood in front of it. " Suna!! Suna!!" Rose said happily as her favorite show was singing.

" Hey Rose'ika whatcha watching" Fives said sitting next to her as he handed her favorite stuff porg. " Fwives!! Suna!!" Rose said happily squealing as he lifted her up from her baby walker.

" I'll go prepare her bottle and Echo and Hardcase should be coming home any second now" I said standing up and going to the kitchen to make her bottle.

Fives POV

I cradle Rose against my chest as she spit out her pacifier and started to cry. I started to freak out as the front door open with Echo and Hardcase walking in and closing the door.

" Echo how do I calm her down sh sh sh it's Rose and Rex hurry up!!" I shouted which made Rose cry even more.

Hardcase walk close to Rose and tried to calm her down. " There there it's okay" he said but was smack in the face by Rose. Echo started to laugh hard.

Soon Rex came with the baby bottle as he put it her tiny mouth. Soon she started to drink the bottle as I rubbed her fuzzy brown hair.

After she finished her bottle, I put her on my shoulder to burp her but she ended up throwing baby formal at my grey shirt. I groan in frustration as Rose started to whimper and cry.

" Hey it's okay Rosy" Hardcase said taking her from my arms as he tried to reassure her which didn't quite go well since she keeps smacking at his face.

Hardcase POV

I grab a baby rattle and shook it as she stop crying and stared at it with curiosity. " Look it's Suja!! You want Suja!" I said as I handed it to her and she started to play with it:

Soon she was happily playing with it but saw the stain on Fives's shirt as she started to get angry. Soon she yelled and threw the baby rattle at my face.

I tried to calm her down but she continued to cry and throw a tantrum. I felt myself grow worried trying to calm her down as Rex and Fives did the same but she kept hitting them.

Soon Echo step up and room her off from my arms as he cradle her against his shoulder and started to him the lullaby that Mom use to him to us when were little. ( the song at top)

She started to close her eyes as she leaned against his shirt. I felt myself breath again.

Echo POV

I continue to hum the lullaby as I felt her grow sleepy. Rex wrap a baby blanket around me as I continue before a I heard soft snores.

" Is she asleep Hardcase" I said as he lean in to look at her as he nodded. I sigh in relief as Rex went into the kitchen to grab some Coco Puffs cereal with Fives and Hardcase sitting in the couch watching  the Star Wars movie  Rogue One.

I sat down in the small couch as I continued to hum the lullaby while watching Rogue One. Soon the front door open as Mom came in with bags of groceries.

Fives stood up and help mom with the groceries bags as he took them to the kitchen table. Mom hung up her coat and apron as she walk towards me.

" How was Rose did you guys fed her" mom said as we all nodded. Mom smiled and gently took Rose from my arms as she kiss all of us in the cheeks before going upstairs to the baby room.

I sigh in relief and relax as Dad, Valeria and Boba entered the house. " What's wring with Hardcase's face" Boba said as Hardcase dramatically gasps.

" What's wrong with my face Boba'ika" Hardcase said as Boba smirk at him knowing that he just ended Hardcase career.

" It's ugly Hardcase" Boba said as we all did a quiet oof sound as dad chuckled and went upstairs.

Iduna POV

I gently laid Rose as put her stuff porg Suja next to her as she cuddle with it. I put the crib gates high up so she won't roll off and fall to the ground.

" She's just like her mommy  curious and smart but also like daddy adventurous, fearless and stubborn" Jango said wrapping his arm around my shoulder as we both watch Rose sleep peacefully.

Jango stretch his hand to turn on the baby mobile as it spin around. I turn her night light along with her music ballerina box.

" She has my hair color but she has her mother's kind, curious and gentle eyes"Jango said as he kiss my cheek.

I lean down to kiss Rose on her forehead as Jango and I walk out of the door before Jango turn on the baby monitor as we gently close the door and walk towards our shared room to go to sleep.

I smiled warmly at thought of having a nice big family. I'm glad the war is over and everything is back to normal with all nightmares and fear gone and swift away like it never existed.

Note: this is the longest chapter I ever made and I hope y'all like it.

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