Chapter 16

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Iduna POV

I was sleeping peacefully on my bed when I soon felt an ache pain on my stomach. I groan as I laid straight flat of my bed as I felt to low and lazy to get up and get ready for the day.

I decide to snuggle close to my blankets as I fell back asleep trying to ease the pain. Soon I felt myself slip into deep sleep as I snore softly.

Cody POV

I stood next to Wolffe as General Plo Koon discuss the mission plans when General Kenobi walk into the command center.

" Hey Cody and Wolffe can you perhaps get Iduna to see she if she wants to accompany Master Plo Koon to a mission" General Kenobi said as Wolffe and I nodded and left the command center.

We enter Ummi's dorm and saw her lay in a pool of blood. " Ummi wake up!!" I yelled as she jolted up in bed. " What's going on what happened" she said worriedly as Wolffe stared at her in fear.

" Ummi your dying we need to take you to Kix and Helix right away" Woffle said as I nodded.

" Wolffe Carey Ummi while I let General Kenobi, Rex, Fox, Valeria and along with  the rest that Ummi is injured" I said as Wolffe nodded as I exit the dorm to tell the others.

Woffle POV

I pick up Ummi bridal style and sprinted at full speed towards the med bay. " Woffle dear please I'm not injured " Ummi said but I cut her off. " Ummi stop your injured don't resist" I said as I entered the med bay and yelled loudly.

" We have a code red code red Ummi is injured and bleeding" I yelled as Kix and Helix came rushing towards us as Kix sat Ummi in a bed started to check her temperature.

Iduna POV

I sigh as the med bay door open and entered in Cody, Rex, Boba, Valeria, Kix, Fives, Echo, Cutup,Droidbait, Hevy, Dogma,Tup , Sinker, Comet, Fox, Jesse , Obi-Wan and many more.

" Ummi are you dying" Tup said sadly as he held my hand. Fives and Echo hug me tightly. Waxer and Boil looked scared. " Iduna what happened to you" Obi-Wan said worriedly as I laugh out loud which made everyone look at me confused. " Ummi please be serious" Valeria and my sons said.

" Guys I'm in my period" I said as they froze soon Valeria laugh out loud and they looked at her as if she's a crazy person.

" Ummi is not dying she's having her menstrual cycle" Valeria said as Obi-Wan blushed in embarrassment as Kix sigh . " Sir what is a menstrual cycle" Cody said innocently with the cluster of my sons huddle around him.

" She's bleeding through her female part" Obi-Wan said my sons look worried. " So she's not dying" Dogma said as I shook my head.

" No my sons I'm not dying it's part of  the human body" I said as Fives and Echo hug me tightly. " Do you guys have any chance a pair of clothes so I change" I said as Fox nodded and handed me a pair of  clothes which was grey sweatpants, fuzzy socks, white shirt and brown comfy boots. (Picture at the top)

I stood up and went to go take a warm shower. After I finish taking a shower and put on a fresh pad as well as change into the blacks. I stood next to Jesse who hug me tightly along with Fives, Boba and Tup joining in.


" Ummi you are sick and tired let us take care of you" Fox said as we all nodded in agreement. Soon we moved the beds and laid the most fluffiest blankets and pillows as Tup led Ummi towards the middle of the pile and force to lay down.

Kid handed her some pain pills and water as she drank them. We all took off our armor which only left our blacks on.

Wolffe, Cody, I laid our head in Ummi's stomach, Jesse and Tup snuggle close to next to her with Kix laying on Jesse's back.

Valeria, Boba, and Cutup laid on the other side of Ummi with Waxer and Boil along with Fox laying their heads  against their legs. Hevy, Sinker, Comet, and Boost laid spread out close the group.

Soon everyone started to fall asleep as soft snores can be heard across the room. I cuddle close to Ummi as I gently rubbed my hand against her stomach as she snuggle close to us.
Woffle also rubbed his hand against her stomach as he cuddle close towards Ummi.

The med bay door open as I felt something warm land on us as I peek open my eye to see that General Kenobi laid multiple fluffy blankets for us to stay warm and cozy.

Woffle POV

I cuddle close to Ummi as I wrap my arms around her as I smiled gently. I may be struck and grumpy but I always be Ummi's grumpy little cub.

I will protect our Ummi and not let any harm come towards her. We may have lost Buir ( father) but we will not lose our Buir ( mother) to the Sith or the CIS they will have to go through us to get to her.

We all fell asleep peacefully as we cuddle and snuggle close to our Ummi that we will forever protect and cherish.

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