Chapter 13

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Iduna POV

I open eyes as closed them due to the bright lights of the med bay. After I regain my focus as I stared at room. I saw Fox sleeping on the bed with his hand on top of mine. I smiled softly as I kiss his head as he stirred awake.

" Mom your okay we were so worried are you okay do you need anything" he said worriedly. I laugh lightly and patted his head. " No I'm fine Fox" I said as he nodded.

Soon the door open as I saw Tup and Fives walk in with four troopers in grey armor. They remove their helmets a notice one of them had a cybernetic eye.

" Ummi!!" Tup said excitedly as he help me sat up against the headboard. I notice that I had bandages wrap around my waist. " What happened to Krell" I said.

" He got executed for treason against the Republic" Fox said. " Oh so he's gone" I said as Tup laid his head against my chest as I ran my fingers through his long hair.

" Ummi this is Woffle, Boost, Sinker and Comet" Fives said introducing to my other sons. I smiled warmly and softly as Boost blush a bit.

" What's wrong Boost" Fives said. Boost shifted nervously as he leaned to whisper in his ear. " Hey it's okay don't worry just go give her a hug" Fives said as Boost nodded and sat on my right side.

I let go of Tup and hug Boost as he tense a bit but soon hug me tightly back. I heard soft sniffs as I rubbed his back. " It's okay my baby I got you" I said softly as Comet and Sinker joined in.

Wolffe POV

I smiled a little bit at the sight of mom.Rex told me that mom was tortured by Krell. I felt my blood boiled but soon calmed down.

Mom held out a hand for me as I hesitated for a bit before joining them. I became let myself enjoy the warm feeling but soon felt tears form as I hug my mom. " It's okay my sweet Wolffe I heard what happen to your eye" she said softly.

I broke down crying and hug her tightly and whined. " It's okay Wolffe I'm here for you" she said I cried in joy that our mom is here to protect us. Plo Koon is like a father figure but from the stories that I heard from him about mom showed how much she means to me and my brothers.

We all release from the group hug as the door open as the medic droid walk in. " Miss Fett you are free to go" the droid said leaving.

" Mom we created a cuddle pile for you in the barracks" Tup said. " Really I love cuddles let's go then" she said as we help her stand up and walk out of the med bay and into the barracks.

Everyone was in their blacks as their head turn towards in our direction. " Ummi your alive"they yelled as we were brought into a big group hug. " Oh I miss my babies so much" she sad hugging back.

Iduna POV

Tup grabbed my hand and laid in the middle of the pillow pile with me leaning against Cody. Valeria and Boba laid on my side as Wolffe laid on my chest. Rex, Fives and Tup laid next to Valeria. Kix,Jesse Echo next to Boba with Fox laying on my chest as well.

Comet,Wooley,Boil, Sinker,Boost and Waxer along with Dogma laid against Wolffe's legs. The door open as Ahsoka and Anakin entered along with Obi-Wan as they joined as well and wrap blankets around the pile. I moved for Ahsoka to lay next to me.

Soon I heard soft snores of my sons as they slowly fell asleep. I smiled warmly and laid my head on top of Ahsoka's as I let sleep take over.

But before I fell asleep I heard Ahsoka mumble something that made my heart warm up in joy.

" Goodnight mommy" she mumbles as she snuggle close to me and fell asleep. I leaned down and kiss her forehead as fell asleep peacefully without any worry.

Note:Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter.

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