"I want your daughter," Dean said briefly in a cold toned voice while his face displayed an emotionless expression, waiting to see how the old man would react.

"Over my dead body, asshole. Give me back my daughter. I know that you are hiding her somewhere. If you dare to touch her, I will shred you to pieces. I will not just imprison all of you, but I will kill and burn down all of the Cobras' properties and people." Richard raised his voice in a threatening manner.

Dean narrowed his eyes while his lips tightened in dislike. "I don't think that is something your daughter would want to find out. Plus, I can't help it when she was the one coming up to me first. I am a man. I can't reject the offer when a beautiful woman as kind as her walked up and asked to stay by me."

"What the hell are you saying?"

Dean smirked wickedly as he crossed his arms over his chest defensively. "I am saying that she loves me. She loves me a lot. And, all I needed to respond to her was I love her too. That was all that it took for me to take your daughter. Wasn't it the same way as you did to my mother and then took her from me? Come on, don't act like you don't know. You are also a man, and you should know well how effective this trick works on vulnerable women." Dean bit his teeth when he knew that what he said was not true to his heart.

"You didn't do that to my Giselle. You can't fucking do that to her!" Richard yelled before he rushed toward Dean's direction to punch him. Dean noticed the tight fist was flying at him, but he didn't bother to block either to dodge it. His face turned to the opposite side after the strong fist landed on one side of his cheek with full strength. For a quick second, Dean thought to himself that he deserved that hit. "My love with your mother is full of honesty and purity. I've never lied to her. She knew that my family didn't accept her. She knew that my love for her is real. We both understood one another and promised to meet each other again. We never fucking lied like how you are doing it to my daughter!"

Dean shoved Richard vigorously backward. "If you love my mother then why the fuck are you hating on me? I am her fucking son. You should be happy and grateful that your daughter loves your woman's son. Shouldn't you be glad that at the end your blood and my mother's blood get mixed together? Maybe it wasn't for your generation, but I will do it for you. I will make sure your lover's blood and your blood came together at the end. That way, I can keep the promise that you and my mother promised each other too. Don't you think so?"

"Shut your fucking filthy mouth! You can't talk about Tian Wu and Giselle like that!" Dean shook his head slightly as he pulled his phone out and called one of his men. "Who the fuck are you calling?"

He didn't reply besides turning around to face the glass window. In a serious voice, Dean demanded. "Come get all of these strangers out of my building. Don't make a scene in front of the guests." He hung up then turned back to look at Richard Chu coldly. "I am tired of hearing your voice, officer. This is my territory. It is not a room where you can interrogate me like I am a criminal. I would listen if I wanted to, but I am busy today."

"Don't you dare touch my daughter. If I ever found her, you'll never get to lay your damn finger on her ever again."

Dean furrowed his brows. "Whatever I use to lay on her, I don't think I need your permission to do so, Mr. Richard Chu. And, if you want your daughter to be safe, you better not let her fake death be exposed to my father. You should know very well about my famous father. If I am you, I wouldn't be acting too smart. Either you play along with me and pretend like nothing happened, or you will not get to see your daughter again, not even her corpse."

Just when Richard opened his mouth to argue back, the door got swung wide open by Dean's two men in blacks. They didn't waste a second to make their way to grab Richard by his arms. "Don't fucking touch me." He shouted as he tried to remove his arms from their grip.

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