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It's Glee

Cast in Hamilton

And why

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Alexander Hamilton

Mr. Shoe 👞 himself 😌👏👏 Do I even need to explain? This man is a rap god and obviously superior over his students


S 👏 a 👏 n 👏 t 👏 a 👏 n 👏 a 👏

She's the only one. The only one.

We love you baby ❤️🙏


Only our Queen Mercedes can kill these runs istg— Also she'd be stunning in that gown omgg


Tina because it represents her character ark. Has an amazing voice and a lot of funny moments but forgotten by the second half 🥰

Aaron Burr

Blaine Anderson would kinda be smoking as Aaron Burr though, ngl 👀🐌

King George

I don't know why but I think Jesse St James would a good King George. I dunno though,, just an idea


hhhhHhhhhhHHH Sam I dunnoooo??


I already casted our 3 best rappers and—

Oh wait.

Emma freaking Phillsbury.


Artie man,, I can just hear it

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I forget every other character so gn,, this cast seems good enoughg

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