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Just a list of characters I love and why I love them because I don't wanna seem like a Negative Nancy 🥺

Also, yes, I do have three #1 favorites of which I can unfortunately not decide upon.

Also also, this does not mean anything towards how I feel about the actors because, yet again, the characters and the actors are different people. Sometimes that's a hard topic for people to grasp onto.

Also also also, don't take my opinions to heart! I'm very light on my feelings towards characters and stuff. Just because I hate someone doesn't mean you're not allowed to love them and vice versa. I won't ever fight anybody on their opinions 🥺 Except if they ship Blainofsky— that's a hard no.

1) Kurt

He's just a queen and we love that. I love his voice and find his singing so freakishly soothing. I would love to be best friends with Kurt Hummel and have him give me a makeover any day 🤩

1) Santana

I know that she's a bit of bitch, but that's why we love her. I'm not saying I support rudeness and all that jazz (cue the music), but I just think it adds character development to Santana. I'm just saying that her character adds a lot of comedy into the show that wouldn't be the same without her. She's an icon and we stan her.

1) Sam

This does not include Season 6 Samuel Evans— that guy doesn't exist to me. I'm talking about the og Sam, who was kind and funny and just chill af. I don't know why they made him so dumb by the end of the show, but I adore him nonetheless.

2) Brittany

Brittany S Pierce makes me question my sexuality. She's funny, she's kind, and just an overall plain cutey. Nothing more can be said— I love the girl and have barely any frets against her.

3) Mike Chang

Omg baby. He's the least flawed character and caused the least amount of drama— we love that. I love that. Mike's realistic, too, and fits the sassy schoolboy vibe I yearn to see. And also he's really cute— That's a bonus.

4) Mercedes

This queen was originally tied with Mike for third, but I didn't want too many tied characters so I just made her #4. Honestly, Mercedes is a whole queen and nobody can convince me otherwise. Don't you mess with Mercedes it she will bust the windows out your car.

5) Puck

Noah Puckerman is my boo and you can't steal him from me. He ends up being kinda nice and really vulnerable, which brings out a lot of his character that I'd have loved to see more of. I love his character the same way I love Santana; they're humorously bitchy.

6) Kitty

She's a bit of a bitch but she, like Santana, adds some juicy comedy. Also, anybody that doesn't ship Kartie can suck my toes because it's gorgeous and totally should've been endgame.

7) Holly

This bitch lay out the runway and to Glee's success. She is a soulful, kind, hot, funny diva and we live for that. If Holly were my substitute, I'd make sure the normal teacher never returns.

8) Sue

Can I just say that she is the only logical person in all of Glee? Except for in season 6, though I like to pretend that big mess is only a headcanon anyhow (except for 'A Wedding', of course). Like, yes, Sue should've been imprisoned on multiple occasions, but that doesn't rid the fact that she had good reasoning. She's also just a laugh and lightens the mood of the show.

9) Quinn

Quinn's a badass and I support that. We love an emotionally masked rockstar that ends up showing empathy towards her friends. All in all, she has her fowl moments, but don't we all? Quinn is overall quite accepting of others, while not letting their good qualities deprive her of her own. If that ain't a queen, what is?

10) Tina

Tina is another mixed emotions situation, sometimes. She was so under appreciated to the point that she became manipulative, and that's when I started to get pissed off. But I love the girl, despite all of her insanity, and will continue to bow down to my queen. Also Tike rules my heart.

11) Blaine

He's not my favorite, just because of all of his wrongdoings and how manipulative and controlling he became in the further seasons, but I can't say that I don't have a soft spot in my heart for Blaine. I don't respect him for cheating, but I do understand his regret and how much he tore himself down after. So like, yeah he is obviously a sex addict, but he learns what he did was wrong so that's an improvement. I definitely like Blaine most of the time though, and he's too cute for me to not constantly forgive him in the end. I'm too soft— it's not healthy.

And now for the honorable mentions:

Joe — he kinda showed up and disappeared randomly but he's kind and didn't let his religion become a barrier between he and his friends

Artie — he's okay. He's definitely not good, but not necessarily bad either. . ? I love his singing though so I can't say I don't have a soft spot

Rodrick — this guy is a mood. And his voice is the only one out of all the Season 6 newbies I fawned over. . . So yeah

Sebastian — He's hot

Trent — he is an absolute baby and a little ray of innocent (gay) sunshine

Beiste — while I'm not a fan of her character plot holes, I can't say I don't enjoy her presence. She is a strong, independent woman and we live for that

Klaine's unborn child — I don't care that she isn't alive and about yet. The living child growing inside Rachel's body is all I need to get on through the day. She m a d e the last 15 minutes of 'Dreams Come True'

The Bronze Olympic Medal Swimming Teacher with Yellow Hair — I forget her name but DAMN she made me laugh

Chandler — he didn't know Kurt had a boyfriend!!! He was genuinely nice and enthusiastic and I love that! It was Kurt's fault, not Chandlers.

Adam — I think I just like watching Kurt happy and Adam did make him happy in season 4. I like all of Kurt's boyfriends and would, personally, date them all if they were interested in girls.

Elliot — I totally should've added Elliot in my main list but it's too late now. What a STAR I stg! He's dazzling and charming and just a stunning little dude.

Becky Jackson — oh snap, oh snap, oh snap; Becky was funny and I liked getting an insight into her mindset. It was emotional and touching and only made her gain respect from me

Brad the Piano Player — my real #1 😍🤤 He carried the show with his hot fingering

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Um yeah that's really all I have to say. Thanks for tuning in and don't forget to share your opinions with me toooooooo lmao bye

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